Educate Students About Human Trafficking Rings

Target: Miguel Cardona, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education

Goal: Reduce human trafficking rates by educating students on signs to look for and what to do if in danger.

Human trafficking rings are terrifying underground organizations that take up to 17,500 people each year. Such kidnappings can take place nearly anywhere, including public places. Large facilities such as grocery stores have reported human trafficking incidents occurring on their premises, and people of any age, gender, and ethnicity are at risk. Nowhere is safe with the drastically increasing human trafficking rates, and many individuals don’t know signs that indicate human trafficking rings.

Although any individual is at risk, young people are typically targeted. Traffickers go about taking individuals in a multitude of ways that are clever and difficult to identify. For example, some traffickers will use other trafficked individuals to lure targets. If a child or woman is being used as a puppet, traffickers may assume that targets will be more trusting. Vehicles may also be tagged, specifically if driven by a woman on her lonesome. Cars may be tagged with eggs, zip ties, or something as simple as a piece of paper. These are such minute signs that may not be identified without the proper warning. If the wrong move is made, a trafficker can easily kidnap an individual, even in broad daylight. When individuals are hassled or followed, they should know to alert officials immediately. The same applies to vehicle tagging. In order to reduce human trafficking efforts, younger generations need to be taught the signs associated with these situations in order to protect themselves.

Sign this petition to encourage the inclusion of human trafficking lessons in public schools.


Dear Secretary Cardona,

Human trafficking is a worldwide issue that takes the lives of thousands each year. Innocent people are isolated, often sexually assaulted, and sold. Their lives are completely taken away from them and they face severe manipulation, abuse of all kinds, and often have to help traffickers in kidnapping others to survive. There are a multitude of tactics traffickers use to lure and/or target individuals, particularly in public settings, that go unnoticed. In order to protect young generations from these life-threatening situations, school systems must educate students on what to look for and how to properly protect themselves when put in danger.

Please implement human trafficking education within school systems. Younger individuals are at a higher risk of being trafficked, and with new tactics arising from traffickers, it may be difficult for young people to process if they’re in danger or not. Car tagging and other strategies may not initially bring forth concern until it’s too late. This important topic needs to be covered in schools for the safety of our students. Thank you for your attention to this important message.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Global Panorama

One Comment

  1. We can’t keep kids safe from shootings but in school it is a M
    UST DO to teach all kids about trafficking. Kids deserve a fair chance at life not to be imprisioned for nothing except money for those who steal their young lives.

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698 Signatures

  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Theodora Boura
  • Alice Rim
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • Elizabeth Conlan
  • Natalia Balkowska
  • John B
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