Target: Lynsi Snyder, President of In-N-Out Burger
Goal: Do not enact ban on public health tools worn by employees.
A popular fast food destination in the western United States is once again seemingly politicizing public health. In-N-Out Burger, which has close to 400 restaurants in multiple states, plans to prohibit most of its employees in five states from wearing face masks. If an employee wears a mask without a doctor’s note, then that employee could be terminated simply for following health guidelines recommended by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).
Fast food workers may have a great deal of public exposure and often work together in close quarters. They are naturally at a higher risk of contracting not only COVID-19, but other infectious illnesses that could threaten their well-being. Moreover, these individuals are preparing and handling food to be served to individuals of all health categories. Wearing a mask can ensure the safety of not only the employee, but of customers as well. The chain claims this dictate is about enhancing customer service, but it seems to be accomplishing the opposite while also violating employees’ rights to a safe, healthy, and comfortable working environment.
Sign the petition below to demand an end to this needless and potentially dangerous dictate.
Dear Ms. Snyder,
“Exceptional customer service and unmatched standards for health, safety, and quality”: these are the values you claim to be promoting with the recent decision to make most employees go mask-free. How does willfully ignoring recommendations set forth by OSHA while putting customers at risk from potentially sick employees accomplish either of these goals? One restaurant was closed during the height of the pandemic for refusing to check proof of vaccination, citing concerns about privacy and health rights. What happens to the rights of employees who want to ensure they do not become seriously ill, or even die, from their work?
Doctor’s notes (like the workplace is elementary school) mean nothing with diseases that can unpredictably kill even the healthiest individuals. And this company appointing itself a health authority by requiring “approved” employees to wear company-issued masks is as “intrusive, improper, and offensive”—and “overreach”—as the policies your own chief legal and business officer once railed against.
California and Oregon have already prevented this arbitrary assault on public health and employees’ rights. Now, workers in Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Nevada and Utah need to have the same safeguards. Stop the hypocritical and thinly veiled politicization of this serious health issue and allow all employees to protect themselves and the public.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Mayr
Here’s thought … instead of firing them … say thank you.
It says a lot about your workers that they protect the public. You should do the same. Live your values don’t just say them for public record. And while you’re at it give those mask wearing employees a raise!!!!!!!
In n Out CEO and big wigs must be a bunch of ignorant lack of dignity Republican idiots who prolly jack off to the sight and presence of the narcissistic, BIG LIE sore loser and sexual predator Trump.
100% Agree!!!
Not signing this petition! Who wants to eat food prepared by an employee who is sweating because they can’t breathe properly because of their mask? If any employee shows up to work sick, management should send them home. The employees also have the right to refuse service to customers who are sick.