Target: Ms. Helen McEntee, Minister for Justice and Equality of Ireland
Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation into the brutal act of setting a dog on fire and bring the perpetrator to justice.
A shocking and deeply disturbing incident of animal cruelty occurred in Co Mayo, Ireland, where an innocent dog was set on fire. The North West Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Ballina has offered a €1,000 reward for information leading to the identification of the person responsible for this heinous act.
Cathy O’Hora, Chairperson of the North West Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, expressed her horror and extreme distress at this abhorrent incident. The dog, described as a mixed breed and small to medium in size, was subjected to unimaginable pain and suffering. The fact that no one has reported the dog as missing raises concerns about the perpetrator’s motives and the potential for future acts of cruelty.
The lack of hard evidence and the incident occurring out of sight of cameras make it crucial to initiate a comprehensive investigation. It is imperative to identify and apprehend the individual responsible for this horrific act to prevent further harm to animals and ensure justice is served. Demand action now.
Dear Ms. Helen McEntee,
A dog was set on fire and died horrifically at the hands of an unknown perpetrator. We request you to take immediate action and ensure a thorough investigation into this case. We urge you to allocate the necessary resources and collaborate with law enforcement agencies to identify the perpetrator and bring them to justice.
The intentional setting of a dog on fire is not only a horrific act of cruelty, but also a threat to public safety and an indicator of potential violence against other living beings. It is our collective responsibility to condemn such acts and protect the rights and welfare of animals.
We demand that decisive action be taken against the individual responsible, sending a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated within Irish society. By holding the perpetrator accountable, we can create a safer and more compassionate environment for both humans and animals.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Chris Barber
God knows who did this and he will deal with the POS when his time comes to met their maker.
There is absolutely NO excu8se for this and the responsible individual needs to be brought to justice
These people need to be punished Its horrendous!
Unbelievable Cruelty and I hope whonever did this suffers for the rest of their lives 🙏
Hang this jerk!!!!
POS another Irish horror story get some laws and execute this bum!!
Where is the justice for this dog that was set on fire and tortured? You would think that this type of horrific crime would be priority! You would think that the evil, devil monster that tortured and set fire to this defenseless dog, would be arrested and charged to the fullest. What ever it would take, rewards, more coverage of the crime. Not enough is being done to bring these monsters to justice!
I know someone will remark that human life is at stake in the upcoming future in regard to this perp., but isn’t burning a live creature enough? The person is not going to stop his/her heinous activites unless caught…
Oh my Freaking hell! What is wrong with people anymore?? Cruelty towards animals is getting so out of hand and there is not enough punishment handed out to abusers. Poor little dog, it hurts my heart to hear the pain and suffering he went through. Please find the monster who did this and punish him to the extent of the law.
This human monster is a dehumanized sadistic psychopath. What he did to this innocent dog is unspeakable cruelty that must be severely punished.
Animals are like children and shall not be VICTIMS of human DEHUMANIZED SADISTS!!! EUTHANASIA is the only justice for this shocking crime!
Yes I agree they should do that to all animals abusers by putting them to sleep are burning 🔥 them
Absolutely a horrible crime .As long as these criminals are not
punished severely , those crimes will be perpetrated..
Can we live in the middle of monsters, what Is justice doing ?
What is justice doing ? Nothing apparently.
Those innocent animals which fall victims to monsters should never
never suffer. And monsters should never live .They don’t deserve to.
They should not exist . Too much is too much. Stop the massacre,
stop the suffering .
You can think the courts and judges for that because they won’t put them in jail they will just slap them on the wrist and set these animals abusers free
Agree all comments catch do the same to them.this needs to stop and harsh punishment for these people.
Agree with you 💯 👍
please find this bastard whom committed this horrendous act of animal cruelty to this helpless poor dog whom didn’t deserve this cruelty and give him the same act of punishment in which he put on this helpless poor dog and set his fucking ass on fire to a crisp. RIP poor dog you are now in God’s hands and will be taken care of because you are one of God’s creatures.
I so agree cause the person that did this doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air
People that abuse etc animals NEED TO HAVE THE SAME THINGS DONE TO THEM!!!
I agree 👍
Horrible horrible cruel and disgusting!!!!! Please please please catch this sicko!! That poor innocent little dog this is so sad!!!!!!
I hope when they find that jerk they set him on fire 🔥 the same way
They should burn this jerk the same way cause he doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as that poor puppy rip baby your in God’s hands now 🙏
When I read the headline I immediately thought the USA again but I was horrified to find it happened in Ireland. This piece of shit must be found and burnt at the stake. Sell tickets you will make a fortune! Why is it that animal abuse is taken so lightly? The police and justice system need to get some balls and dish out very harsh sentences for animal abuse and cruelty. Today an animal tomorrow a child
Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal Abuse n Cruelty