Dog Brutally Tortured, Killed, and Hung From a Bridge Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Arthur “Joe” Logan, Chief of Police, Honolulu Police Department, United States

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation into the heinous killing and hanging of a dog and find the person responsible for this cruel and inhumane act.

In Waianae, Hawaii, the lifeless body of a medium-sized brown dog was strung up and left hanging from a bridge. The graphic image of the deceased dog, with visible wounds, deformation, and signs of decomposition, paints a distressing picture of the suffering endured by this innocent animal.

The discovery was made by a resident named Chantell, who had been trying to rescue and care for the dog for several months. Despite her efforts, the dog remained skittish and elusive, making it difficult to provide immediate help. Chantell’s heartbreaking account emphasizes the deplorable condition of the dog and the trauma it endured before its tragic demise.

This act of cruelty and violence towards an innocent and defenseless animal is an egregious violation of ethical principles and a deeply concerning reflection of the mistreatment and disregard for animal welfare. Such acts not only inflict unimaginable pain and suffering but also undermine the values of compassion and justice that our society upholds. Demand immediate action.


Dear Mr. Arthur “Joe” Logan,

The deliberate hanging of a dog is not only an affront to our shared values of compassion and justice, but also a violation of ethical principles and animal welfare laws. We demand that the perpetrators of this heinous act be brought to justice, facing severe legal consequences commensurate with the severity of their crime.

We implore you to ensure a thorough investigation into this case. We urge you to allocate all necessary resources and collaborate with relevant authorities to identify and apprehend the individuals responsible for this act of extreme cruelty.

Furthermore, we call upon you to strengthen efforts to educate the community on animal welfare, encourage responsible pet ownership, and promote empathy towards all living beings. By fostering a culture of compassion and respect, we can prevent such acts of cruelty from occurring in the future.


[Your Name Here]


  1. This is so brutal barbaric and inhumane that if there is an evil capable of doing this atrocity to a poor defenseless animal you have to find the piece of S…. and torture and hang it in the bridge. EYE FOR AN EYE TO THE LOW LIFE

  2. I hope they find that poor excuse for a human and do the exact same thing to them. No mercy.

  3. Lily Marshall says:

    Justice must be done

  4. Urszula Lund says:

    Let this monster hang over the hungry crocodiles the whole night, and then cut off the string. A quick, effective and cheap way to get rid of this lowlife satanic scum!

  5. I hope the evil monster is found soon. What a disgusting pos this vile devil is to do such a heinous thing to an innocent animal. May karma find you and show you NO mercy, you didn’t give any to this dog!!

  6. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:


  7. Cheryl Miller says:

    This completely breaks my heart!!! Why why why???!!??!! Please find this sicko who hurt the poor innocent dog!!! This is so disgusting and disturbing!!! Catch the creep!!!

  8. The person needs to be found and eliminated from earth in anyway possible.

  9. Gaylan Flottemesch says:

    Give the fucker to me. I skin that human alive and then BBQ it

  10. barry farley says:

    I’m so sick and tired of reading these vicious acts of cruelty to these helpless and defenseless animals. When is justice going to be served for these heinous acts of animal cruelty. find this sod and hang his ass over a bridge. Maybe justice will be served when we all punish these heartless humans whom we call judges.

  11. The thing that did this needs to be erased from earth in a horrifying way the same way this innocent dog suffered,so no other innocent life can suffer this again.Catch the phsyco scum and feed them to a komoda dragon

  12. Julia Edinger says:

    I agree with.. Emy
    “This is so brutal barbaric and inhumane that if there is an evil capable of doing this atrocity to a poor defenseless animal you have to find the piece of S…. and torture and hang it in the bridge. EYE FOR AN EYE TO THE LOW LIFE”!!!

  13. Certainly hope that this isn’t being done by those who organise these petitions? (sorry but wouldn’t be the first time that those who set up these petitions are many times… not always..) there are many sickos who commit these sort of atrocities just to get attention from others

  14. Agree all catch him yes and skin him alive. Justice now torture this fucker.

  15. Mariska Meszaros says:

    This person is a danger to society. They must be found and removed from society, because the next time it may be a person.
    Let’s not animal cruelty go unpunished, we must send a message that this will not be tolerates.

  16. Someone recognizes this poor dog and knows damn well who the owner is, they need to turn the lowlife killer in or they are the same type of scum as the killer. This was brutal, deliberate and horrific; this is the action or a psychotic or a sociopath and as such they are a danger to the community; step one, kill a defenseless animal, step two, kill a human. Find hind him and make him accountable, jail, fines, lifetime ban on animal contact and anything else your laws might allow, he deserves no leniency.

  17. Why do we put government people in office if they are not gonna do there damn jobs protect animals for well it’s because they don’t give a damn about helpless animals

  18. This person deserves to be removed from earth by any means.

  19. Wendy+Morrison says:


  20. Catia Boarqueiro says:

    If she was trying to take care of the dog, doesn’t the lady know who the abuser is?! I hope he/she gets caught soon, someone that cruel does not deserve to live free and can’t be allowed to do the same to another animal or person.
    I don’t understand how someone can take pleasure of someone else’s suffering and agony!

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