Stop Wild West of Deregulation From Destroying Lives

Target: Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senate Majority Leader

Goal: Consider repeal of law that targets a wide range of civil protections.

Workplace safety, fair pay, retirement savings, clean air and water, public health, consumer protection: the aforementioned are just a few of the safeguards America’s elected legislators have attempted to—and in many cases successfully—strip away in recent years. Now, the nation and world are grappling with how to manage rapidly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) that even its own creators warn could pose an existential threat to humanity if left unchecked. Yet despite the fact that they are arguably needed now more than ever before, the war on regulations continues in the halls of Congress.

Regulation is often weaponized as a politically charged dirty word to invoke dark images of big government tyranny, cumbersome red tape, and diminished freedoms. But the most effective regulations stand for accountability, the rule of law, and protection from powerful entities who might otherwise exploit, harm, and deprive individuals of their freedoms. Regulations provide a framework of legal standards and a means to enforce these standards. Legislators now wield a once little-utilized tool known as the Congressional Review Act to override regulations, shift the power back to corporate America, and roll back progress and quality of life.

As the debate about AI continues, the political gamesmanship could come at the entire planet’s peril. Sign the petition below to urge a repeal of this damaging dictate.


Dear Senator Schumer,

Instead of expanding the powers of the Congressional Review Act, this legislative body needs to reverse course and give the repeal first introduced in 2017 a fair hearing. This act survived 20 years with only one use. Yet in the past seven years, it’s been invoked nearly two dozen times to deprive Americans of consumer protection, health protection, workplace protection, pay protection, environmental protection, and more. You cannot and should not preserve this political bargaining chip for your own future gains at the expense of the American people. Congress is obviously worried about the ramifications of artificial intelligence, and strong regulation will play a pivotal role in navigating this challenge.

The debt ceiling debacle has taught us how our elected leaders will hold anything hostage to achieve a political win. Take at least one weapon out of the hands of unscrupulous and corporate interest-peddling politicians by advocating for a repeal of the Congressional Review Act.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Joshua Albanese

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980 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Suzanne Wiegand
  • Siân Street
  • Christina Lander
  • Sally Simpson
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
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