Stop Turning Back the Clock on Education

Target: Manny Diaz, Jr., Commissioner of Florida Department of Education

Goal: Speak out against defunding of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has issued a travel advisory for Florida, claiming state leaders’ increasingly hostile policies are creating an unwelcoming environment for African Americans and other minorities. A major LGBTQ+ advocacy group has issued a similar warning. Now, politicians are proving their detractors right with yet another attack on their favorite target: public education.

When he signed a recent Senate bill into law, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said, “we had to look at this relatively new concept called diversity, equity, and inclusion.” The governor, who seemingly views the aforementioned longstanding American values as “new concepts,” with his signature defunded any programs at the higher education level that advocate for equality and that offer a critical support system for minority students. While they claim they are promoting the free intellectual exchange of ideas, apparently these politicians are only interested in pushing their brand of ideas. The bill also mandates that public universities and colleges focus almost exclusively on Western civilization, Western philosophies, and Western texts, while at the same time ignoring courses that emphasize cultural and gender histories. And a politically appointed board will have veto power over every curriculum.

Sign the petition below to urge this state’s education leader to champion a repeal of this backwards learning model that is harming America’s youth.


Dear Commissioner Diaz,

As the education leader in a state with one of the highest percentage of minority college students in the nation (led by the Hispanic population), what do you desire as your legacy? Do you want to preside over an educational landscape where values such as diversity, inclusion, and equity are somehow “new concepts” that need abolishment? Do you want to watch as millions of young people decide to take the next steps of their life journeys in other states that welcome them and value them? Or do you want to guide and nurture a system of learning that reflects America in all its shades?

On a very fundamental level, you must know that the current attack on DEI programs and on a comprehensive history curriculum are wrong. The legal system has already stopped the Stop Woke Act in its tracks. This latest assault may meet a similar fate, but it cannot and will not thrive if you take a decisive stand.

Stand up for real American values, stand up for all students, stand up for unvarnished history, and stand against the political war on education and educators.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Cecil Stoughton

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654 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • claudia correia
  • Natalia Balkowska
  • John B
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