Target: Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India
Goal: Sever trade relationship with Russia that hurts sanction efforts and enables horrific war crimes.
A horrific video allegedly depicting the slow and brutal decapitation of a screaming Ukrainian prisoner of war at the hands of Russian soldiers has stirred new outcry about the reportedly widespread war crimes taking place in the invaded nation. A different video hints at possible other beheadings that have occurred since the invasion. And word has emerged that yet another American may have been detained in Russia as political leverage. Such highly troubling incidents compelled many nations to sanction high-ranking Russians and cut off trade and exports to the country. These actions, however, are not having the impact they could because of enablement and support of Russia’s invasion coming from other nations.
One of the biggest enablers is the most densely populated country on the planet: India. During the last year, in fact, trade between Russia and India has skyrocketed by over 400 percent. India has become a top consumer of Russian oil. In return, one leather company based in India alone is apparently supplying nearly a million dollars’ worth (every month) of boots and other products used by the Russian military in their violent campaigns. And the aid does not end at leather. Russian leaders have supposedly reached out about 500 other types of products they are looking to import from India.
This continued support leaves Russia awash in supplies that it otherwise would not enjoy because of sanctions and other punitive actions, and it prolongs the terror and hardship inflicted on the people of Ukraine. Sign the petition below to urge India to stop its implicit support of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Dear Prime Minister Modi,
India has a long and familiar history with invasion and oppression. From the conquering dynasties that began in the seventh century to the British East India Company rule, later British Crown rule, and indentured servitude of the colonial era, this nation knows the prices paid for autonomy and independence. And when the world went to war, India joined the side of the liberators.
Why, then, is this nation dishonoring its impactful legacy by enabling and supporting Russia’s unprovoked invasion of an independent nation? Why is it helping supply armies accused of beheadings, rapes, massacres, torture, kidnapping, and so many other alleged crimes against humanity? Is oil and short-term financial gain a fitting trade for providing aid and comfort to hostile invaders and would-be conquerors?
By continuing this support, you risk condemnation and crushing sanctions by much of the rest of the world, which will ultimately hurt the people of India. Do not join Russia in its isolation and desperation. Please reflect on India’s history and what lessons it holds. End this toxic trading relationship bartered for in pain, death, and destruction.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Tsepin Llena
867 Signatures