Target: Pedro Comissário Afonso, President of United Nations (UN) Security Council
Goal: Facilitate investigation into humanitarian crisis and potential crimes associated with Myanmar coup.
Millions of refugees, tens of millions of civilians in urgent humanitarian need, armed resistance, and widespread airstrikes by Russian-made aircraft on hospitals, schools, and villages: one might assume these circumstances are related to the ongoing war in Ukraine. But they have also been the reality for another country over the past two years. Myanmar, a nation precariously situated between India and China, fell victim to a military coup in February of 2021. While the world quickly took notice when conflict overtook Ukraine almost exactly one year later, by and large the people of Myanmar have gone unnoticed and unaided.
In many cases, refugees desperately fleeing for their lives have been forced back into the chaos. Humanitarian aid and assistance with weapons have also been largely absent. As a result, the educational and healthcare systems have essentially collapsed, many communities have been plunged into poverty, and most live in fear of when and where the next bomb will drop. Other powerful entities in the area—including Russia and China—are reportedly supplying the junta coup leaders with all the help they need to continue their oppression and barbarism.
Calls for meaningful international assistance on behalf of the people, such as an arms embargo, have gone unanswered. Sign the petition below to urge the United Nations not to refuse another consequential plea that could make a difference.
Dear President Afonso,
“It is unspeakable what is happening and what is so incredibly frustrating is the fact that, as far as most of the world is concerned, this is not happening.” A human rights advocate for Myanmar made this frank and true assessment of the international response to this coup-torn country. The Human Rights Council will soon hear a presentation detailing the severe hardships tens of millions of citizens face and the equal hardships they endure when trying to seek aid, even from the United Nations’ own refugee agency.
Now is the time for the Security Council to do its part. Weapons assistance, arms embargos, and restrictions on plane fuel may have been ignored and subsequently compounded the suffering. Please honor requests and refer potential crimes perpetrated against Myanmar and its people to the international criminal court. These human beings should have their time for justice and their time to make the world listen before it’s too late.
[Your Name Here]
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