Target: Kevin Stitt, Governor of Oklahoma
Goal: Do not support efforts to prohibit where drag performers can entertain.
Governors that supposedly endorse small, limited government are once again happily inserting themselves into the private lives and choices of their constituents. The latest “culture warrior,” Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, has just signed a new law. Like most legislation in this state, the law does nothing to address economic boosters, healthcare funding, or any other issue of actual consequence to the lives of Tennesseans. Rather, it’s the latest in a long line to single out and target kids and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
In a trend that is unfortunately nothing new, transgender youth in Tennessee will be denied access to gender-affirming care, even when their parents give consent. But another aspect of this law is the first, but probably not the last, of its kind in the nation. The law prohibits “male or female impersonators” from performing in venues that minors might attend. In essence, the state is trying to shove drag shows—which by and large feature no nudity or other “adult” content—back into the closet. Ironic, given a photo has recently emerged of the governor himself dressed in drag in high school.
This law also takes responsibility for their children out of the hands of parents: another bit of hypocrisy from this allegedly pro-parents’ rights government. When drag performers are interacting with children, they steer clear of overtly sexual content. And if a performance for adults does include innuendo, a warning is issued beforehand. At what point do the parents themselves shoulder responsibility for what their children view, especially when they are bringing the youth to these performances?
This hateful and pointless law sets a dangerous precedent…one that several other states seem poised to follow. Sign the petition below to urge at least one of these states to reverse its hypocritical and anti-American stance.
Dear Governor Stitt,
“Hypocrisy of the highest order”: Jon Stewart recently used this fitting line to describe some of Oklahoma’s proposed laws. As Stewart rightly pointed out, a bill severely restricting drag show performances infringes on First Amendment rights. In addition, it basically sends a message to parents that they cannot be trusted to determine what their children see. For a state that likes to drape itself in limited government and patriotic freedom, this proposal screams government overreach and censorship.
Moreover, despite any protestations to the contrary, you are further stigmatizing individuals from marginalized communities and letting them know they are not welcome in your state. Oklahoma’s tourism, and its economy, will take the hit. And for what?….to target a form of non-obscene entertainment that has been part of American culture for decades?
Stop relying on misinformation and out-of-context pandering to divert the people’s attention from this state’s very real problems and towards drag performers who are exercising their rights to live freely. You are essentially criminalizing people wearing a dress and makeup while dancing. Think about that for a minute.
Drop this effort that’s nothing more than a distraction and an affront to civil rights.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Cottonbro