Deceased Baby Pigeon Dyed Pink for Gender Reveal Party Deserves Justice

Target: Alvin Bragg, District Attorney of New York County

Goal: Punish person or persons responsible for death of domesticated pigeon to fullest extent.

An unusual sight was recently seen in a New York City park: a pink pigeon. Concerned by the strange display, a good Samaritan took the pigeon, who was later named Flamingo, to an animal rescue shelter. Tragically, Flamingo died from what was apparently an act of unintentional yet fatal animal cruelty.

Rescuers believe Flamingo was a domesticated bird that was dyed and released during a gender reveal party or some other type of celebration. The bird’s young age already would have made it very difficult for him to survive in the wild. In fact, he was reportedly severely malnourished when first discovered. But the dye that had been put on him made his plight even worse. The toxic substance could not be washed off of Flamingo, and the damage done to his respiratory system as a result likely played a key role in his death.

Whatever the reason, the responsible party should be held accountable for this irresponsible and cruel behavior. Sign the petition below to urge accountability in this troubling incident.


Dear DA Bragg,

Ignorance is no excuse for violating the law and causing harm. This belief should apply to reckless and often lethal abuses committed against animals that may, at first glance, not appear to be cruelty. The recent case of a very young pigeon found malnourished and dyed pink in a park is a tragic example.

This animal may have been dyed and released as part of some party or celebration, but these circumstances do not mitigate the damage that followed. The pigeon was by all accounts not a wild animal but domesticated, and therefore entitled to protection by his caretakers. Instead, he was essentially a baby thrown out into the wild and covered with a toxic substance that seemingly choked him to death. If this outcome is not cruelty, then what does qualify?

The New York City police seemingly agree, as their animal cruelty division has opened an investigation.  If a suspect or suspects are identified, please prosecute this case and send a decisive message about the limits of permissible behavior under the guise of no-harm fun.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Wild Bird Fund


  1. Maybe we need to stop these idiotic gender reveals. We’ve seen a forest on fire, this dead pigeon, people hurt by cannon fire and 100+ more really dumb and damaging things because somebody can’t just say ‘its a boy’. Stop stupidity in it’s tracks, outlaw this stupid behavior.

  2. Mary Young says:

    Oh my God there so much animal abuse in this world killing of all kinds of birds and all the other animals but still the damn laws are not doing anything about this but slap the bastard on the wrist and let them go free so why do we have laws for that’s why this country and other countries don’t give a shit at all

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      No justice for this bird. After all it is just a fucking bird!! This is how most people think about this. Nothing will happen to these assholes who did this.

  3. Gilda Provenzano says:

    Justice? NOT A FUCKING CHANCE.And Bragg cannot do anything about this. It is cops and ASPCA that has that job. And ASPCA SUCKS!! All those fucking millions of dollars that they can use for animal rescue. But then again i knew about ASPCA for DECADES.

  4. Ann Hoffman says:

    I can’t stand how stupid people are.

  5. Sharon Rudyk says:


  6. Maria Lavorato says:

    Don’t give a damn if this was unintentional. Do they have a brain.? Do they have any sensitivity? Imagine what this little pigeon felt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    WTF ….CHARGE will animal cruelty to the maximum extent of the law!!


  7. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    I am so sorry for this and other cases of animal cruelty
    All I can hope that karma will be swift for these monsters

  8. Maria Lavorato says:


    sorry little buddy that that was your lot in life….but I feel the Lord will send you back again…..

  9. Andrea+Chisari says:

    Poor baby girl. Cursed forever by stupid parents.

  10. Urszula Lund says:

    Idiotic GENDER REVEALS must be BANNED. Shame on the mothers-to be!!!
    How can future mothers be MOTHERS if they are brainless sadistic psychopaths torturing and innocent BABY-pigeon to death.

  11. veronique peere says:


  12. William Turner says:

    Castrate and sterilise the filth that done this to this creature.

  13. Charlotte Gilmour says:

    It’s be great if these fucking morons fell off a cliff

  14. Joy Y. Sperry says:

    God people are stupid

  15. V Venskowski says:

    This is sick. Bake a cake with colored batter and leave the wildlife alone!

  16. I cry for this innocent little bird. I hate animal cruelty and killings in all forms.
    There was only some days ago a documentary in TV about the disgusting Ozzy Osbourne. In the presence of his wife he told how he once bit off the head of a pigeon or tore it off with his dirty mouth. Both of them are still laughing their heads off years later and think it was and is incredibly funny. Hope they will rot in hell and will get their penalty. without mercy.

  17. Please jail the demented losers scumbags that tortured and killed this bird just so they could smile!
    Also, ban gender reveal parties going forward. Historically, they have caused wildfires, burned homes, ruined people’s lives and now abusing and killing animals. Enough already! This is sick and evil!

  18. That is abused!

  19. Nadine brundage says:

    It’s a cruel world out there and something must be done to stop subhuman idiots from abusing innocent animals. We need better laws to protect the voiceless and strict punishment for these low life’s as our weak judges and judicial system let these nut cases walk without consequences.

  20. Not a chance in hell a pigeon will get any kind of justice. Stupid, stupid people. Just tell your friends and family that you are having a boy or girl. So much damage has been done by these ignorant reveal parties.

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