Man Accused of Severely Abusing Fourth Animal in Five Years Must be Punished This Time

Target: Nassau District Attorney Anne Donnelly
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for man accused of abusing two dogs in 2018, a cat in 2022, and another cat in 2023.

Reportedly, two dogs were attacked with boiling water, one cat was doused in bleach, and another cat was tortured, all in three separate incidents perpetrated by the same person. After each of these cases, the man was given a slap on the wrist and set free.

The first reported attack occurred in 2018 when Raymond Neuberger, a former politician, was accused of abusing his fiance’s two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Apparently, one suffered burns from boiling water and the other had broken ribs. In that case, Neuberger was jailed for only 43 days. Neuberger received a sweetheart deal with accelerated rehabilitation and a pre-trial probation program that wiped the charges from his record.

The second reported attack occurred in 2022 when Neuberger was accused of dousing his girlfriend’s cat in bleach and beating it in the head until the animal suffered fatal neurological trauma. He also was accused of beating his girlfriend that day. After this incident, Neuberger was arrested and then released on bail.

The third reported attack occurred in 2023 when Neuberger was arrested for abusing and torturing another cat. Almost immediately after his arrest, Neuberger was again set free after posting a $10,000 bond.

These accusations of repeated animal abuse by the same individual shock the conscience and seem like they will continue until the justice system begins to take animal abuse seriously.


Dear District Attorney Donnelly,

A man in your jurisdiction has been accused of severe animal abuse in three separate incidents, spanning the past five years.

Reportedly, two dogs were attacked with boiling water, one cat was doused in bleach, and another cat was tortured, all in three separate incidents perpetrated by the same person. After each of these cases, the man was given a slap on the wrist and set free.

The first reported attack occurred in 2018 when Raymond Neuberger, a former politician, was accused of abusing his fiance’s two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Apparently, one suffered burns from boiling water and the other had broken ribs. In the case, Neuberger was jailed for only 43 days. Neuberger received a sweetheart deal with accelerated rehabilitation and a pre-trial probation program that wiped the charges from his record.

The second reported attack occurred in 2022 when Neuberger was accused of dousing his girlfriend’s cat in bleach and beating it in the head until the animal suffered fatal neurological trauma. He also was accused of beating his girlfriend that day. After this incident, Neuberger was arrested and then released on bail.

The third reported attack occurred in 2023 when Neuberger was arrested for abusing and torturing another cat. Almost immediately after his arrest, Neuberger was again set free after posting a $10,000 bond.

These accusations of repeated animal abuse by this same individual shock the conscience and seem like they will continue until the justice system begins to take animal abuse seriously.

Please stop this apparent cycle of animal abuse and seek the maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Fairfield Police Department


  1. This man is a dangerous repeat abuser who shows no remorse and reoffends consistently and with no consequences. Doesn’t that make NY and it’s leaders guilty of promoting and enabling animal abuse? Quit letting this barbarian off, he must be removed from society until he learns to act like a civilized person instead of a lowlife abuser of both people and animals. He needs a a lifetime ban on animal contact and I would consider leaving him in prison for life to keep both people and pets safe.

  2. Gloria Navan says:

    How many more animals have to be tortured before this monster is stopped?

  3. This disgusting POS human needs to suffer the same exact way and worse– he needs to be ripped apart, set on fire using bleach, beaten alive, stabbed and shot, thrown into hell.. we need justice for all the voiceless furbabies that have suffered at the hands of this monster.

  4. Castrate him, people like that don’t need to have children.

  5. Will this be the next guy to kill 4 college students for fun?

  6. Maria E Nowicki says:

    Do exactly the same thing to him as he did to the innocent animals!!!

  7. Michelle Taylor says:

    Instigation of the death penalty is essential to e attended without delay on this mentally deranged animal abuser/killer!

  8. Donald Kloss says:

    This guy is obviously psychotic and probaby a sociopath. Screw that nonsense about giving him breaks for his being a former politician. Give him a maximum penalty for each crime, or else make the responsible judge/s serve the sentences and pay the fines.

  9. When are you, the legal authority, going to take action on this evil monster? How many crimes does he have to commit before you take this seriously? Who will be next, the neighborhood toddler or baby? Egad. there is something wrong in your government to allow this abuse to continue. Evil evil evil.

  10. There should be a new law for no walking after accused waiting for trial they need to be take in on the spot, no waiting for a second offense, these abusers are getting away with up to 11 counts of abuse with no actions taken this must change
    no bail, no wiping record clean , taken out at first offense

  11. Alice Knight says:

    What appalling acts of violence towards living beings!! Animal abuse is a crime and should be treated as one. How could this individual be allowed to repeat his violence three times? Are these cases just not that relevant, will cases such as these not further your ‘political aspirations’ Perhaps those who feel these types of cases are not, perhaps should know what it would feel like to be one of those animals who were subject to this person’s barbaric and horrific forms of torture.

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