Stop Giving Animal Abusers Slaps on the Wrist

Target: Victoria Prentis, Minister of Crown Prosecution Service

Goal: Ensure maximum punishment for individuals convicted of heinous acts of animal cruelty.

One of the world’s most famous cities has recently been the sight of several disturbing incidents of apparent animal cruelty. In two separate incidents, dozens of dogs and puppies were rescued from a kennel and an animal testing facility in London, England. All of the animals were reportedly in a dire state, exhibiting signs of diseases like mange and parvovirus. In yet another London incident, multiple puppies were found abandoned in a rusty cage placed outside in freezing temperatures. And in an incident that tragically took a life, a concerned Londoner discovered a dead cat believed to be cut nearly in half.

While it might be assumed that a large city like London would have stringent and strongly enforced laws on the books to deal with these types of alleged crimes, such an assumption is far from reality. In yet another case involving defenseless dogs, two individuals were found guilty of neglecting and nearly starving their pet canines to death. Despite the seriousness of these charges, the defendants were handed suspended prison sentences, which means they will likely spend not a day in jail.

Sign the petition below to demand London’s legal system protect animals from being abused, exploited, and killed.


Dear Attorney General Prentis,

The Animal Welfare Sentencing Bill was supposed to be a reset for UK animal cruelty punishments deemed too lax by many citizens. What happened to London? After the passage of this bill, a couple found guilty of starving their dogs received a suspended sentence. Currently, the city is dealing with a series of very troubling cases involving a cat reportedly almost cut in half and dozens of young dogs nearly losing their lives to alleged neglect at animal testing and kennel facilities.

Will these animals receive the justice seemingly not afforded to prior victims, or will the status quo of unchecked and unpunished animal cruelty continue? Please strongly enforce sentencing standards for the sake of all vulnerable animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Henda Watani 


  1. Michelle Taylor says:

    Animal abusers require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less!

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      In a perfect world. Anyone lays a hand on my pet i would be in jail as they would be 6 feet under.

  2. Cathy Baron says:

    I so agree with Michelle Taylor – just get rid of the bastards. They are a total waste of time and nothing will change them – just end it it’s the best.

  3. Bosha Karanovic says:

    All those sons of a bitch were undoubtedly conceived by Satan and a whore. Besides England like seems to just don’t care how innocent animals are tortured and killed by those ill-born monsters.

    • Teresa Zamalloa says:

      I agree with you — several cases of animals being tortured are reported frequently, which in my opinion, is that there are no laws in England that penalize those bastards.

  4. Gilda Provenzano says:

    Evil garbage in every corner of the world.

  5. Country of my birth. I am ashamed. England used to be known for how we loved and treated our animals. So stop letting these POS of and get our reputation back.

    • Irene+Ellis says:

      I agree 100%, I am a Londoner here in the UK & I’m shocked & appalled about this. As you say we were known to be a nation of animal lovers at one time – what the hell happened?. Lock the scumbags up & throw away the key. I love all animals & rescue unwanted dogs as well as donating to several charities, I’d love to see these abusers jailed for the longest time … but sadly it won’t happen.

  6. This issue is a global problem – one guy got a knighthood for running an animal laboratory that cruelly abused and tortured animals, and others get away with killing pets or strays, treating farm animals cruelly, etc. In the US, even people who run animal shelters sometimes engage in retaliation killings of animals to punish volunteers. All of these monsters should be in prison.

  7. Maria Lavorato says:

    Disgusting! The laws for the protection of animals are so feeble ….its like no one gives a shit. Then they wonder why there is so much CRIME everywhere!

    Well… if really stringent laws were in place and ENFORCED perhaps criminals would think twice. There should be personnel, at every police station, dedicated to animal cruelty with judges to sentence real punishment!

    But in my heart of hearts I believe you eventually pay one way or another!

  8. Marie Coz says:

    Unconscionable 😡😡😡😡😡

  9. Judges who let these evil animal abusers go, shoulf lose their seat and also be arrested for aiding and abetting. Because thats what these judges are doing. Allowing them yo continue abusing animals. Our animal abuse laws are disgustingly weak! And the judges too coeardly to inforce maximum penalty gor these subhuman souless abusers who have no place in this world!

  10. eleanor dunkavich says:

    There judges are sickos should be all shot

  11. Jacqueline says:

    STARVE them too!!! England needs to change! The world knows how they neglect animals.

  12. Ruth Tekell says:

    This dismissive behavior of animal abusers goes hand in hand with the U.S. conservative’s dismissiveness of gun violence and mass shootings. The very same hate and bloodlust drives both behaviors. The government knows this and has spent millions on research that proves animal abuse is a strong predictor of other violent crimes. Coddling mentally ill people who commit these crimes requires the cooperation and commitment of both the abuser and the mental health professional. It is a very long term treatment that will most likely fail. We need more immediate solutions that involve taking these violent criminals off the streets and keeping them confined as long as possible.

  13. Sadly, this doesn’t surprise me. Great Britain hands out short sentences for actual murder.

  14. Animal abuse will never stop as long as the so called laws protect the abusers. So many animals are killed at the hands of humans daily and these bastards should all have a bullet right between their god damn eyes – then the cycle has ended.
    This bullshit of a slap on the wrist or some form of a policy that states they can no longer own pets again – SERIOUSLY do you honestly think these f*ckers care about any of that – NO – we need to have punishment that fits the crime and so far it is a joke worldwide. No animal was ever put on this earth to be abused by humans. If anyone ever did anything to any of my pets – you could count on the fact that you would be dead!!!

  15. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    Animal abusers should have the same exact treatment as those who harm people.

  16. Goes on and on, how many times, world wide, animals suffer the most inhumane treatment be it on farms or just plain cruelty for enjoyment. People will complain of animal abuse as they sit down to their plate of meat. Maybe it wouldn’t taste the same if the screams could be heard. It boils down to human beings. Nasty, greedy, selfish human beings. Who will always remain oblivious to suffering or just plain ignorant. Laws need to be changed but dont hold your breath!! Another petition signed the circle is never ending.

  17. Debra R Simons says:

    Anyone who purposefully abuses an animal should be eliminated from the face of the earth .. Along with anyone who does not take it seriously and it should be a capital punishment crime. As should child abuse.

  18. Agree all comments eye fir a eye do the same thing back to the person get rid of this people dont need on excuse for animal cruelty dint get them whats next a child .

  19. Quelle honte ce pays dépravé qui n’a aucun amour propre, aucun respect des animaux mais qui ne doivent pas en avoir non plus pour les humains. Car une personne qui s’en prends à un animal, s’en prendra à une personne. Vous êtes des barbares.
    Évoluez, améliorez et durcissez plus strictement vos lois pour mieux défendre les animaux qui ont eux aussi des droits.
    Un drôle bizarroïde pays où les policiers ne sont même pas armées. Pour dire que ce n’est même pas du tout un pays très rassurant pour y vivre. Il est même classé comme un pays dangereux. Pas étonnant, quand on voit comment ils résous les problèmes. RÉVEILLEZ-VOUS POUR AGIR.

  20. Catherine CANONGE says:

    Quelle honte ce pays dépravé qui n’a aucun amour propre, aucun respect des animaux mais qui ne doivent pas en avoir non plus pour les humains. Car une personne qui s’en prends à un animal, s’en prendra à une personne. Vous êtes des barbares.
    Évoluez, améliorez et durcissez plus strictement vos lois pour mieux défendre les animaux qui ont eux aussi des droits.
    Un drôle bizarroïde pays où les policiers ne sont même pas armées. Pour dire que ce n’est même pas du tout un pays très rassurant pour y vivre. Il est même classé comme un pays dangereux. Pas étonnant, quand on voit comment ils résous les problèmes. RÉVEILLEZ-VOUS POUR AGIR.

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