Success: Virginia Senate Passes Powerful Gun Control Bills

Target: Virginia Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw

Goal: Applaud the Virginia Senate on the passage of major gun safety bills.

Gun control bills proposed by Democrats occupied the center stage at the 2023 Virginia legislative session. Several proposals were introduced to ensure maximum gun safety in the Commonwealth. The ForceChange community rose to action and sent this petition to the Governor demanding the fast passage of these key pieces of legislation in the General Assembly. The petition emphasized the urgent need to enact gun safety laws to ensure the security of citizens. The firearms mortality data (2020) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows 1,174 deaths in the State of Virginia. With a death rate of 13.4, Virginia is one of the states most affected by gun violence. Enacting strong control measures is the call of the hour to tackle this major public health crisis.

A key bill was passed to regulate the sale of the ‘ghost guns,’ homemade firearms typically manufactured using 3D printing technology. Devoid of serial numbers, these instruments of death can be extremely dangerous. The legislation makes such an offense a Class 1 misdemeanor, with a penalty of $2,500, and up to 1-year prison term. The provisions apply to any and all deliberately selling, transferring, buying, or offering to sell these illegal objects without an explicit federal permit. Subsequent violators could be charged with a Class 4 felony. It could mean up to a 10-year jail term along with a fine of $100,000.

The 40-member senate also voted to pass another legislation to prohibit the open carriage of certain assault rifles. In total 3 gun safety bills were passed in the Senate. A third bill makes it mandatory for homeowners to lock up their firearms in a home where minors are present.

The bills must still pass in the House of Delegates to be made into law. Nevertheless, it is a welcome first step in the right direction. Appreciate the timely action taken at the legislature with the objective to make Virginia safer.


Dear Senate Majority Leader Saslaw,

The attention of the whole country is on the gun control debate staged at the Virginia Senate. Recent incidents of gun violence make it very clear that strong gun laws must be in place to impose safety on the streets of America. We need strong policymakers who can take up this volatile issue without bias and overcome the mindless opposition.

The Senate recently passed three crucial bills put forward by leading Democrats. The first two bills have the potential to restrict the unscrupulous use of assault weapons and prevent the menace of unserialized guns. A third bill intends to ensure the proper safekeeping of guns in a home where minors are present.

We applaud the Virginia Senate to pass these crucial bills that have the power to radically transform the bullet-riddled landscape. Thank you, Majority Leader Saslaw, for rising to the occasion and doing the needful thing. However, the battle is only half-won as these bills must make it through the House of Delegates.


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Photo Credit: Staff Sgt. Terra C. Gatti

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204 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • Janice Bernard
  • Doug Phillips
  • Doug Phillips
  • jacci russ
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
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