Abused Dog ‘Cemented’ to Sidewalk by Own Feces Deserves Justice

Target: Boca Raton, Chief of Police Michele Miuccio
Goal: Find person responsible for the horrific abuse of a dog found glued to sidewalk by his own feces.

Cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots,” is how Trooper the dog was discovered. Trooper had faced terrible abuse prior to being abandoned on a sidewalk, where his own fecal matter glued him in place.

“It took them about an hour to pick him up off the sidewalk,” said Dr. Julia Sheehan with Tri-County Animal Rescue. “He was stuck.”

According to Sheehan, when Trooper arrived at the rescue shelter, “he looked like he was dead.” In addition to the most obvious abuse, Trooper also has a heart murmur, ear infections, ulcers in his eyes and a slipped disk in his back. The slipped disk was so severe that Trooper was unable to walk.

Instead of euthanizing Trooper, rescuers committed themselves to saving and rehabbing him. Trooper has been responding well to the treatment, as well as the love and affection, and rescuers are hoping he will be ready for adoption within a month or so.

Despite the hopefully positive outcome of this case, the person responsible for this terrible abuse of Trooper is still walking the streets. We are asking police to devote more resources to finding and capturing the person responsible for Trooper’s terrible abuse.


Dear Chief Miuccio,

Trooper the dog was found cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots.” The abuse that Trooper had faced prior to being abandoned on a sidewalk, where his own fecal matter glued him in place, is hard to imagine.

“It took them about an hour to pick him up off the sidewalk,” said Dr. Julia Sheehan with Tri-County Animal Rescue. “He was stuck.”

According to Sheehan, when Trooper arrived at the rescue shelter, “he looked like he was dead.” In addition to the most obvious abuse, Trooper also has a heart murmur, ear infections, ulcers in his eyes and a slipped disk in his back. The slipped disk was so severe that Trooper was unable to walk.

Despite the hopefully positive outcome of this case, the person responsible for this terrible abuse of Trooper is still walking the streets. We are asking you to please devote all resources necessary to find and capture the person responsible for Trooper’s terrible abuse.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tri County Humane


  1. Linda Infante says:

    This abuse of any animal is horrible. Mankind neds to evolve!

  2. Florida again; is torturing and abusing animals their state passtime now? Someone knows who this dog was forced to live with and unless they come forward they are just as responsible and just as much a lowlife loser, as the asshat who did this. Offer a reward, scum always turns on scum so I’m sure a buddy will point his ugly face out for a few bucks.

  3. WTF is wrong with people – this is horrible what took place with this poor dog – humans are so incredibly abusive – this f*cker needs to have the same god damn treatment levied upon him. What a sad sad story.

  4. Gloria Navan says:

    A huge thank you to the kindhearted people who rescued this little guy and to those trying to save him. I pray the people who caused this animal so
    much horror find karma in their future.

  5. Evil evil people that do this just know never ever make it to the good side of heaven as soon as they die and God can take them at any time they go to the bad side of heaven across the Gulf and they are miserable there they suffer 10 times more than what they inflicted upon others that’s my consolation

  6. Sadly the low life persons committing these abuses need to feel the abuses themselves. Pain is horrible. Yet these idiots do what horrors they can to animals and society at large. They are the scum if the earth. One would think Boca Raton would be a better place to live in Florida but Florida and the Florida government makes everything worse by not doing anything.
    The people of Florida voted these officials back in power. Why? They are only interested in politics and money. That’s it folks!

  7. Carol Jane Brandt says:

    Get out the super glue for this ? monster. I pray he’s found.

  8. Josie olive says:

    Boca Raton a rich neighbor with dick predators who should be entombed in concrete

  9. Bev Woodburn says:

    The vile and evil lowlife monster bastard who deliberately and heinously tortured precious and innocent Dog Trooper,who was tortured by this monster must be caught and sentenced to death. The vile and evil sadism and evilness committed where precious and innocent Trooper was cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots,” is how Trooper the dog was discovered. Trooper had faced terrible abuse prior to being abandoned on a sidewalk, where his own fecal matter glued him in place.

    This vile and evil lowlife psychopathic lowlife human monster from hell must be sentenced to death. Eradication from our Planet of this psycho lowlife of this human monster must be immediately. Kill the vile and evil monster bastard immediately.

  10. Disgusting cruelty , not only jail, but consfiscation of their
    savings would cure them definitively .

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