Horses Found Dead in Field With Puncture Wounds Deserve Justice

Target: Morrow County Sheriff, John L. Hinton
Goal: Find and capture the person(s) responsible for attacking and killing two horses.

One horse was found dead in a field and another was found writhing in pain. Both horses had puncture wounds above their right eyes. When the owner of the farm in North Bloomfield Township, Ohio, discovered his horses in this condition, he notified authorities. Unfortunately, the injured horse was deemed mortally injured and was euthanized.

The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office believes the animals were intentionally targeted for attack. However, authorities have not yet released any additional information regarding clues or leads in this case.

When it comes to attacks on animals, horses tend to be exceptionally vulnerable, since they often live in barns that are not attached to their owners’ homes. Because of this, intruders can have an easier time executing a secret attack. As a result, authorities must devote more resources to investigating and prosecuting these types of crimes.


Dear Sheriff Hinton,

Two horses are dead, likely from an attack by a person or persons. One of the horses was found dead in a field and another was found writhing in pain, and had to be euthanized. Both horses had puncture wounds above their right eyes.

What is often unapparent to authorities is that horses tend to be exceptionally vulnerable to attacks by humans. This is because they often live in barns that are not attached to their owners’ homes. As a result, intruders can have an easier time executing an attack. Because of this, authorities must devote more resources to investigating and prosecuting these types of crimes, which we kindly ask you to do.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Morrow County Sheriff’s Office



    Dear Sheriff Hinton,

  2. The only way to help stop this insanity is to use cameras every where. This harm was intended. We are becoming a society of monsters delighting in the pain and death we cause. Why? If I could answer this I would be able to encourage mutual respect and compassion for ALL creatures of this earth. Humans, as the highest ranked animal, is supposed to be able to make wise decisions and protect all living beings. We can only do this as a united force. We need to realize there is more to heaven and earth than our mere minds can comprehend.

    • I agree “g”. I was just speaking with my husband about the evil in our societies – the rise in animal abuse, shooting children in schools, beating women to death for not covering their heads… All of these things are evil. I don’t care what society you are part of or what examples you witnessed as a child, you have to use common sense and empathy in everything that you do. Every action has an effect. Children need to learn from little on to treat animals and other humans with respect. How about teaching this in school instead of worrying about what books to ban.

  3. Michelle Taylor says:

    Instigation of the death penalty is essential to be performed on all scumbag animal abusers internationally and nothing less!

  4. Patricia Williams says:

    Some POS was practicing. This will become apparent somewhere else, when used against another innocent animal or human. Evil scum.

  5. Mari Smeti says:

    The fact that SICKOS are running about FREELY abusing, killing Horses is quite telling — FIND the IDIOTS & throw them in Prison — do NOT RELEASE them — again, NOT RELEASING the Psychos is KEY — how do you figure HORSES deserve such suffering and death? — what’s wrong with society

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