Target: Todd Spitzer, District Attorney of Orange County, CA
Goal: Seek full penalty against man accused of assaulting pet dog if he is found guilty.
A dog named Steeler suffered serious trauma when he was allegedly assaulted by the person who should have been protecting and caring for him. The dog became the subject a viral video reportedly showing Steeler being repeatedly punched and kicked in a hallway. A video doorbell captured the apparent act of cruelty.
Suspect Albert Abad, Steeler’s caretaker, surrendered the dog and then surrendered himself to police. Steeler has since been examined and treated by veterinary professionals. In response to Abad’s detention, the local district attorney released the following statement: “as a result of excellent police work, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office will prosecute this abuser to the fullest extent of the law, and we will send a strong message that the abuse of animals will not be tolerated.”
Sign the petition below to hold the DA to this vow.
Dear District Attorney Spitzer,
When a man was captured on a video doorbell allegedly beating his pet dog, public outrage helped raise awareness and lead to an eventual arrest. At the time of Albert Abad’s surrender to authorities, you pledged that he would be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You also stressed that animal cruelty will not be tolerated within your jurisdiction.
Please stay vigilant in this case, honor your promises, and send a decisive message about the ongoing threat of animal abuse in America.
[Your Name Here]
This demented piece of shit needs to be jailed for horrific animal cruelty, if he was caught on video he should already be in jail. Sick of these brainless, heartless scum getting away with a slap on the wrist. Anyone who is guilty of abusing an innocent animal needs to face the consequences. End of story.
100% agree Nadine
I don’t want him jailed – I want him dead. Slowly and painfully would be best. I’m sick and tired of crap like this getting by with animal abuse! If the state of California is too cowardly to mete out true justice, let me have a go at him!
I pray they do give him the maximum amount of time that can be given for such a demented man
No more pets/animals for life for this SOB.
Please find Steeler a happy forever home.
Thank you to the public action and defence for Steeler!!!
Abad should feel the kicks and punches in the head!!!!!! Sadly his name fits.
Lock him up. This guy is a dangerous sociopath. Next time it will be a child.
I sincerely hope you get your rotten ass beat so bad that you will need oxygen to breathe you worthless human asshole
Well said!
Very simple. Arrest and fuck him!!!
God.What possibly could this doggy have done to warrant this despicable behavior from this POS?????
People who do this type of thing when they think no one is watching are cowards. That goes for any vicious, threatening, abusive act against any living being. 💯% a bully, a spineless coward. Until there are serious punishments for this type of behavior, it will continue!
Lock up this POS after he receives the same treatment he inflicted on this helpless animal!!! POS!!!
Lock up this POS and give him a beating of his life! POS
Put scumbag Albert Abad behind bars!
Dreckskerl. In den Knast mit ihm…für immer…
Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls
The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents
Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD
And the universe weeps tears of blood
Your life as theirs, as their death
This PERVERT NEEDS TO SUFFER THE EXACT SAME FATE – only it needs to be inflicted every single day for the next 10 years & made public. NO MERCY FOR ANIMAL ABUSERS.
Lock him up . There’s enough proof in video . Give him the maximum. This mental sick pos needs out of society and away from dogs and all animals for the rest of his rotten life . He should be made to pay all vet care for this dog .
May you be beaten within an inch of of your life! Karma is a bitch and you will get yours!
Punish to full extent!
That Dirty Rotten Scum evil Bastard. We are this voice for that innocent animal. I pray to god that dog is going to be ok,,, I cant believe my eyes..He needs A BEATING .jail him & get his ass out of our Society. Send him BACK TO WHERE HE CAME FROM… EVIL … WE DONT WANT HIM IN SOCIETY.. PLEASE PROSACUTE THE FULLES LAW ALLOWS..I HOPE THE JUDGE GOES HARD.. BUT THESE DAYS .. IM SICK
This asshole should have his fucking leg broken.