Target: Candice Hooper, District Attorney of San Benito County, CA
Goal: Prosecute animal abandonment case that led to death of small dog to fullest extent.
Last year, dozens of chihuahuas were mysteriously abandoned around Hollister, Missouri. The case raised questions about how and why the animals were left and prompted renewed discussion about the responsibility pet caretakers have to their animals. A similar situation recently unfolded when a chihuahua was dropped off overnight at a pet shelter in Hollister, California. While this Hollister is in another state, the same basic questions and debates remain.
The latest case, tragically, did not have a positive ending. The abandoned chihuahua was reportedly in such bad condition that the animal had to be euthanized. This type of incident is not new for the shelter. Just a few months prior, a suspect allegedly confessed to abandoning nearly two dozen dogs at the Hollister Animal Shelter’s overnight kennel. The person in that case faced a criminal citation, and the incident involving the chihuahua should be no different.
Sign the petition below to demand appropriate charges be filed when the party responsible for this deadly and neglectful act is identified.
Dear DA Hooper,
When the Hollister Animal Shelter discovered 23 dogs at its overnight kennel in recent months, the operation had to remind the public that abandoning animals is unlawful. Unfortunately, not everyone got the message. The shelter recently found another small dog in its kennel, and this animal tragically died because of poor health. The only way to begin preventing future acts of passive and lethal cruelty is to send a decisive legal message.
When a suspect is identified in this latest case, please pursue the maximum possible charges. Help stop another vulnerable animal from dying in vain.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Nishizuka
Scumbag animal abusers definitely must have instigation of the death penalty and nothing less.
death penalty should be mandatory for all cases of abuse show no mercy society does not need nor want scumbags in our communities
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Animal shelters need a drop box for animals with someone there 24/7. Otherwise, dogs and cats will be privately killed or dumped in dumpsters.
search and destroy this fucking scumbag
do exactly the same to the scum bag that they did to a defendless dog show no mercy then dispose of the filfth they need to feel pain just like the dog did
Candice Hooper, District Attorney of San Benito County, CA
Prosecute animal abandonment case that led to death of small dog to fullest extent.
The lowlife vile and evil psycho monster
human bastard who deliberately and heinously tortured this precious and innocent small dog to death must be caught and tortured to death and suffer in excruciating agony.Kill the vile and evil lowlife pos bastard.
Agree all comments kill this fucker torture the bastards and more needs to be done for animal cruelty and more harsh punishment needs to ne done people are getting away with this anyone who does this needs to be executed. No questions asked.
i agree with every word you have said i live in Australia you can do almost anything to an animal and get slap across the rest its digraceful shameful the judges hear are pathetic
I definitely agree with all the comments. Kill the scumbag. Do exactly the same to the scum bag that they did to a defendless dog show no mercy then dispose of the filfth they need to feel pain just like the dog did
The punish!ent has to be harsher. O oh way to.prevent some of this. A tiny Chi! How can someone harm them? How can anyone harm any dog?
Just another bastard worth sodomizing!
yess!! vigilantes need to hired to take out these demons,,,,they are Very Dangerous to all innocent lives!!!
Let us not forget that even the smallest of vulnerable lives need protection from the Law. The death of this dog was preventable and did not need to happen had the owner done things differently. But that did not happen. Because of the owners failure and neglect, a little defenseless and delicate animal lost their life. Pet abandonment incidents such as this case can be deterred if strong penalties are enforced.
I totally agree with Shirley Lemieux
“Let us not forget that even the smallest of vulnerable lives need protection from the Law. The death of this dog was preventable and did not need to happen had the owner done things differently. But that did not happen. Because of the owners failure and neglect, a little defenseless and delicate animal lost their life. Pet abandonment incidents such as this case can be deterred if strong penalties are enforced.“
Furthermore! Put an alert out with attached reward on finding that “Evil Being”….. this thing is heart more innocent lives are in danger!! RED FLAG ALERT!!
So so so extremely sad for the poor little Chihuahua!!! Please catch these losers and throw them in jail and more!!
Abandoning any type of animal, tiny to huge, is beyond disgusting and the POS should be in jail. But a tiny Chihuahua? Defenseless? These people have no heart. And letting it get in such bad shape it had to be put down. I hope they get what they deserve.
There is no excuse for any kind of animal abuse or abandonment of any kind. They law enforcement needs to hunt down this scumbag and charge them with a felony. Anyone who abuses animal in any shape, form or fashion should not even have a trial. They should be charged with the death penalty.
Dirty stinking monster who hurt this poor baby so bad as to cause death. Animal abusers deserve no mercy!!