Stop Letting Healthcare Workers Be Harassed for Helping People

Target: Sarvam P. TerKond, Chair of Federation of State Medical Boards

Goal: Ensure healthcare workers have extra protections against those who may wish to do them harm.

Healthcare workers have particularly stressful jobs. The health and wellbeing of the general public is their responsibility, an immense undertaking for a small group of individuals. The difficulty does not stop at providing care, however. Healthcare providers are bound by an oath to always do what is best for each patient, yet sometimes people may disagree with a medical decision if it crosses into political terrain.

A Massachusetts doctor was reported to have been threatened by someone out of state for working with transgender children. The Texas man allegedly crossed state lines to carry out threats and was later arrested. Violent threats are not uncommon for Massachusetts doctors who care for these youths regardless of the exact nature of the services being provided. Similar stories came out during the pandemic with healthcare workers who supported vaccination efforts even though they were looking out for the choices and best interest of patients.

Scare tactics should not be a concern for those whose priority is ensuring the wellbeing of others. Consequently, those who choose to create turmoil for selfless doctors, nurses, and others should be liable for their actions beyond standard legal ramifications. This approach is the only way to allow healthcare workers to act on altruism without worry of outside influence.

Sign the petition below to urge Chair TerKond to boost protections for healthcare workers who may be violently targeted by those blurring the lines between medicine and politics.


Dear Chair TurKond,

Doctors and other healthcare workers are in trouble. It seems the news today is filled with reports of these providers being attacked, digitally and in person, based on the ultimately reasonable nature of care given. Some may disagree politically with people who are being helped by medical professionals and let this divide somehow push them to disagree with someone’s right to mental and physical wellbeing.

Between documented attacks on hospital staff for administering COVID-19 vaccinations and, more recently, alleged threats from a person in Texas towards a doctor in Massachusetts, it is understandable that healthcare providers are scared. Their primary directive is to identify a physical or mental issue and address it with the best interest of the patient in mind. With fear of retaliation by others, however, they cannot fulfill their duties to the fullest. This is why protections must be considered for these workers.

Now is a better time than ever to work with legislatures to increase penalties for those who unjustly target doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers. Of course there are occasions where this group may not act in the best interest of the patient, but these incidents seemingly pale in comparison with those who are targeted for simply doing their jobs. It is for that reason protections should be in place to discourage these attacks.

We urge you to compel lawmakers to boost protections for healthcare workers targeted by those blurring the lines between medicine and politics.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Michael F. Mehnert

One Comment

  1. Healthcare workers are front line people. It’s an extremely difficult job in so many ways. To be harassed, threatened, and harmed is not part of the work directory. We live in a world where people become mentally injured and mean to do harm if they disagree with anything being done in this world. Protections for these nurses and hospital workers must be in place and enforced.

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763 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Renata Aranibar
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Maryann Piccione
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