Apple: End Reported Slave-Like Factory Conditions

Target: Tim Cook, CEO of Apple

Goal: Stop alleged human rights violations of workers in Apple factories.

Apple electronics are some of the best selling gadgets on the planet. They are produced in astounding numbers at an incredible rate. Unfortunately, this success comes at a cost beyond that of the consumer. Those who assemble the phones and other devices at China’s Foxconn factory are reportedly overworked and underpaid in order to meet strict quotas. In addition, workers allegedly have recently been required to take busses from their factory dormitories straight to the production lines to avoid exposure to COVID-19. The move has restricted employee free time even further from their already demanding schedules, a blow following the rumored announcement to also postpone annual bonuses.

Riots have resulted from factory workers allegedly being deprived of compensation and basically held captive at factories. They have smashed security cameras, battled with security personnel, and fled the factory grounds in protest and to be free from what appear to be oppressive conditions. News outlets have reported employee complaints of Foxconn’s deferment of end-of-year bonuses, where promised deadlines continuously are pushed back. Now the factory is offering additional bonuses to halt protests, but those affected are reasonably wary when previous incentives have not yet been paid.

These workers provide a service that fuels communication around the world and should be treated appropriately. The perspective that companies like Apple and Foxconn put profits over people working there is a trend that must stop. Sign the petition below and urge Apple CEO, Tim Cook, to stop slave-like conditions at its production factories.


Dear CEO Cook,

It appears conditions at Apple’s Foxconn factory have reached a boiling point. News outlets are reporting on protests and riots by employees fed up with conditions that equate to human rights violations. Restricting access outside of factory boundaries in addition to withholding annual bonuses is not an approach one would expect from a company with as much influence and resources as Apple.

Reports like these are not new, so it is time for a change. There is a wealth of information available that highlights extreme working hours at factories such as Foxconn. The same reports point out hourly pay that would violate minimum wage laws in most or all developed countries. These are the people who make success and salaries possible for your company’s leadership; they should be compensated accordingly.

In addition to a living wage, the right to a life outside work also should be a part of workers’ rights. It should not be expected that employees spend every hour off the clock also on Foxconn grounds. They have families and interests outside of work which should be acknowledged and respected. Treating employees as we would want to be treated can boost employee morale, avoid leading causes of the current 6 million iPhone deficit, and benefit Apple in even more ways.

We urge you to afford workers at Foxconn and other Apple factories the same human rights that are standard in the modern age and discontinue slave-like conditions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Steve Jurvetson

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870 Signatures

  • jacci russ
  • Renata Aranibar
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Silvia Rocha
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