Stop Silencing Voters on Abortion Rights

Target: Matthew Kuhn, Solicitor General of Kentucky

Goal: Stop defending the overruling of voters who express their democratic right to support abortion rights.

Abortion rights have always been a contentious topic across the US with supporters becoming more vocal after the 2022 overturning of the pivotal case recognizing national abortion freedom, Roe versus Wade. Voters and lawmakers across the country are turning out to show where they stand on the issue, which naturally is creating some tension. On a positive note, people are more encouraged to express their democratic right to vote and show where they stand, and Kentucky voter results show a strong interest in rejecting the state’s anti-abortion ballot.

Unfortunately, the Kentucky Supreme Court seemingly is dismissive of voters’ wishes, and the state Solicitor General is defending this move. They are evaluating the legality of a statewide ban on abortion, basically deciding the viability of a move to overrule voters and make a decision independent from the people of Kentucky. The battle has gained so much momentum, lawyers on the people’s side have been brought on to evaluate if the Court has the authority to decide the fate of abortion while disregarding the ballot’s vote. Necessary support for voters is at a critical highpoint.

Despite a current ban on abortion in Kentucky, many experts contest the state’s constitution does not allow for a complete abolishment of the right. Pro-choice advocates argue the issue needs at least some attention, especially in consideration of those who become pregnant by means of rape and/or incest. Some legislators, however, believe it is the court’s right to decide what is best for the state regardless of popular opinion.

Sign the petition below to urge the Kentucky Solicitor General Matthew Kuhn to side with the state’s voters and their wishes to establish abortion rights.


Dear Solicitor General Kuhn,

There is an adage circulating recently that holds a good deal of weight in your state: “democracy is at risk.” While the tagline may not garner support from everyone, it is a clear example of the current abortion conversation in Kentucky. Voters, as polls prove, have supported abortion rights in your state by expressing an interest in rejecting the anti-abortion ballot in recent midterms, yet somehow, the Supreme Court is showing little interest in recognizing election results.

There is no need for lawyers and a fight on this issue. Ambiguity in the state’s constitution surrounding abortion rights should immediately default to state residents, the voters and people it affects the most. To encourage fighting the validity of voters is to question the foundation of democracy. Never in history have voters expressed an opinion all members of a nation necessarily agree one, but we as a democracy know to respect decisions made by the majority. It is the role of you, as a defender of the law, and the Supreme Court, as elected individuals, to work for, not against, the people.

Of course the knowledge and experience of the Supreme Court is respected and the reason they made it to those positions. After all, the judges were chosen by the people. These are the same citizens who voted against the anti-abortion ballot in midterm elections, and maintaining the respect for the Court and law of Kentucky is contingent on sustaining its relationship and respect for those same people.

We urge you to listen to the people and no longer defend the ignoring of voters’ voices on Kentucky rights for abortion.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Terri Sewell

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697 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Renata Aranibar
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Maryann Piccione
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