Target: Chuck Schumer, U.S. Senate Majority Leader
Goal: Enhance federal animal welfare standards concerning chronic neglect.
Three dogs in reportedly dire condition are rescued from an Arkansas residence. Upon investigation, a fourth deceased dog is apparently discovered in a trashcan. In Colorado, nine wild mustangs are liberated from what authorities call an “emergency situation.” Both of these troubling cases demonstrate how alleged neglect can devastate a broad swath of animals.
The incidents also call attention to the lack of accountability for this type of animal cruelty. No indication has been given that jail time was assigned in either case. Across the country, similar narratives play out with a startling frequency. At-risk animals are retrieved from a property, sometimes only to be returned to that very same property. The accused offenders are often given legal slaps on the wrist. In many cases, they are not even prohibited from contact with more animals, allowing the vicious cycle to repeat itself time and again.
The Animal Welfare Act sets federal standards for care of some animals. Certain people or groups, however—like private shelters, pounds, and private collectors of animals—are excluded from these minimal guidelines. Sign the petition below to demand federal animal welfare neglect laws cover all vulnerable animals.
Dear Senator Schumer,
Neglect is an insidious form of abuse, and it takes the most crushing toll on the most vulnerable populations. Unfortunately, too many pets and other animals fall into this category. Cases of neglect are such a sizeable percentage of animal cruelty cases because they go unchecked and unpunished.
The loopholes in the nation’s lynchpin animal welfare law do not help. The Animal Welfare Act is supposed to set an example, but instead it carves out exceptions for a whole host of individuals and entities responsible for the care of animals. As a result, these living beings do not receive adequate protection.
Animal cruelty is a topic that crosses party lines and unites people who otherwise have nothing in common behind an important cause. Please give this country a win by safeguarding its most vulnerable. Strengthen the Animal Welfare Act.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Tiana
Neglect is starving and dehydrating them to death. It is an active act of evil toward defenseless animals. Life no parole.
Neglect of animals is a hideous crime against a defenseless animal. If you are the owner of an animal that you cannot feed or care for please find help for that animal. I know that the authorities won’t do anything to safeguard that animal until it
is almost on death’s door. So YOU need to be strong and reach out for the sake of your animal and get help.
OMG!!!!! Neglect is animal cruelty and should be punishable by law to the MAX in every case!!!
Everyone should be accountable!
There should also be a world wide registry for animal abuse, as there is for human criminals so that the cycle does not get repeated. ABUSE AN ANIMAL ONCE AND THAT IS IT FOR LIFE!! NO MORE CONTACT!!!! As humans we need to protect all animals. WE NEED STRINGENT STRICTER LAWS ASAP!
Stop The Madness
Help The Voiceless
These bastards should get jail for good
These lowlife vile and evil psychopathic monster bastards must be caught and sentenced to death.
Stop The Madness.
Help The Voiceless.
Animal sacrifice MUST ALSO END, WORLDWIDE, I’m SICK of the “religious exemptions” in this country, and that it’s still an acceptable “norm” in many others, TORTURE IS TORTURE!!! CRUELTY IS CRUELTY!!! Get a damn CONSCIENCE people, your “god” IF GOOD will PRAISE you for caring!!!
I agree. Animal sacrifice is cruel and no religion should allow it! These people need to get with the times now.
I agree with you!!
I am sick of what supposed caring humans do to animals , why do humans have to be so cruel ???? God gave us all these beautiful animals to enjoy & care for & in return humans seem to delight in how far they can go to be cruel them , it sickens me to the core ….😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
Seems irrational and irresponsible to have such loopholes in the Animal Welfare Laws that either allow exceptions or exemptions to the rule of Law that opens up the door for continued animal abuse, neglect, and death to continue without consequence. It only makes sense to act for the sake of these defenseless animals. Strengthening the Laws would be a start in the right direction.
I totally agree with Myrna
“Neglect of animals is a hideous crime against a defenseless animal. If you are the owner of an animal that you cannot feed or care for please find help for that animal. I know that the authorities won’t do anything to safeguard that animal until it
is almost on death’s door. So YOU need to be strong and reach out for the sake of your animal and get help.”
Also there needs to be resources posted on billboards that can help whom ever needs it for their pets!! Or phone numbers to call nonprofit organizations who can lend a helping hand….
Stop taking lives!
Humans that abuse animals need to serve prison time. PERIOD.
Animals shall not be VICTIMS of human neglect, and deserve justice just like YOU & ME! Sadistic psychopaths neglecting their animals deserve MAX JAIL and a hefty fine. They should also cover all vet costs pertaining to this neglect and be banned from owning animals ever again. Tormenting and neglecting animals is a CRIME, just like tormenting children is a crime.
ANIMALS are like CHILDREN – innocent and defenseless.
Why should we even have to sign petitions to protect animals from abuse? I guess there are that many stupid people out there who can’t and won’t take care of the animals entrusted to their care! It’s pretty sad that these sub humans need to be “reminded” to provide for their pets. It’s the poor animals who suffer!!
Agree all comments. Better still do the same back to them for a while then execute them. No space in thhis world for cruel people. Laws need to change now and a permit to own any animal and property checks yearly.
Animals should be harder to purchase and must be registered with a register and desexed microchiped and crimmal check before allowed to take and limited breeding to breeders only no backyard breeders. If you dont want them the new owners need to be checked or the animal needs to be taken to shelter for rehoming only.To much of this in the world these animals dont ask to go to you they deserve to have a good life if you cant dont fucken get them you dumb cunts need to be tortured.
This needs to be DONE NOW!!!! This Cruelty MUST BE STOPPED!!!~!!
Evil People that do this to Innocent animals.
The death penalty should be in place for any animal abuser. The cycle of abuse will NEVER STOP without harsh treatments and these slaps on the wrist do f*ck all to stop the torture. Only a few of these f*ckers being killed off will send the message and possibly stop these horrible acts of cruelty against all animals. People need to stop making excuses for these animal abusers – I don’t give a shit about their mental state of mind as I totally belief that is just such an easy excuse to justify that they are all a bunch of ignorant assholes. End the cycle that will put the message out to all the rest of these people that think abusing animals is their god given right – just get rid of the f*ckers once and for all.
CRIMES against Animals must be taken seriously — We MUST PROTECT all Animals — ABUSERS & KILLERS will repeat unless we STOP them — LAWS must be on the books and MUST be ENFORCED — CRIMES against Animals must be taken seriously —