Punish Veterinarian Reportedly Caught on Video Beating and Choking Dog

Target: Matthew Hynes, DVM, Director of Michigan Veterinary Medical Association Macomb Branch

Goal: Revoke license and prosecute veterinarian accused of cruelly beating pet dog on video.

A YouTube video surfaced appearing to show a man beating, slamming, and even choking his pet dog. Unfortunately, the circumstances are nothing new. These specific allegations, however, have a troubling new twist: the suspect is a veterinarian.

This man remains publicly unnamed because he is awaiting arraignment on animal cruelty charges. The fact that he has been identified as a professional who is tasked daily with the care of animals merits concern, though. The German shepherd at the center of the allegations, as well as two other pet dogs in the suspect’s home, have been removed from the residence. And an official in the county executive’s office was apparently troubled enough by the allegations to say that “there’s no question we had to get these dogs out of there for their own protection and for their own good.”

If the allegations against him prove true, this man should not be allowed to work with or care for animals. Sign the petition below to urge Michigan’s veterinary board to evaluate this case for possible license revocation.


Dear Dr. Hynes,

Veterinarians by their very nature must have a calm, measured approach. Animals—and especially sick animals—are unpredictable, but they absolutely deserve humane care. A veterinarian in Macomb County has allegedly demonstrated that he does not possess the fundamental qualifications to continue practice.

This man was reportedly caught on video abusing his pet dog to the extent that the animal was removed from the premises and charges were brought against the suspect. Only when authorities went to speak with him did they discover that the suspect worked in an animal care clinic in Shelby Township. Even if the suspect is convicted, the misdemeanor nature of the charges means that he will spend a minimal amount of time, if any, in jail.

Long-term consequences need to be more stringent. Please stay apprised of this case and, if a conviction does result, ensure that this man does not practice veterinary medicine again. The animals—and the people who entrust the care of their precious family members—deserve far better.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Bev Woodburn says:

    Matthew Hynes, DVM, Director of Michigan Veterinary Medical Association Macomb Branch

    Revoke license and prosecute veterinarian accused of cruelly beating pet dog on video.

    This vile and evil psychopathic Veterinarian is a monster and must be brought to Justice and sentenced to death for deliberately and heinously torturing an innocent and helpless pet dog on video.

    This lowlife vile and evil Veterinarian is definitely a psychopathic monster who gets thrills out of torturing and probaby murdering innocent and helpless sentient beings to death on video.

    Another vile and evil lowlife monster phsycho who must be tortured to death and suffer in agony the same as this monster torture and murder against this monsters helpless and innocent victims endured.

    Kill the vile and evil lowlife psychopathic monster bastard from hell. Eradication from our Planet is a must.

    All the vile and evil psychopathic animal torturers and animal murderers must be all sentenced to death.
    This must be introduced into the ANIMAL PROTECTION LAWS IMMEDIATELY.

  2. Joyce O'Malley says:

    This POS has done this to other animals – put this POS in prison – take away his ” Vet license”!!

  3. Gabriela Torres says:

    What a man – if you can call him that – so perverse, evil, cowardly, unfortunate, son of a bitch – I hope that the judge in charge of this case would have no mercy on him and sentence him to life imprisonment

  4. Bosha Karanovic says:

    I hope that bastard dies in the most horrible way and ends up directly in hell

  5. Ines Gjurinovic says:

    Dear Dr. Hynes,
    Laws are needed that actually sentence cowardly animal abusers to jail for a minimum of 10 years and a fine of $1,000 for every year they are in prison.

  6. Maria X. Carbonell says:

    Dear Dr. Hynes,
    There are people who study a career not because they want to help but rather because of the earnings they get. Veterinarians, before opening a clinic, should pass a rigorous exam to demonstrate their aptitudes and also swear and confirm that any offense would cost them jail and their diploma so that they could never practice the profession again.

  7. Patricia Schwartzmann says:

    Dr Hynes –
    Could you please tell me what the sentence is for murderers and animal abusers?
    None, right?
    So this keeps going on – on a day by day, correct?

  8. Robert Brossard says:

    Dr. Hynes –
    Has the vet’s license be revoked?
    Is he still working in his Clinic?
    Could you or someone inform us of the outcome of this case?
    Thank you!

  9. First of all this piece of shit MUST have his licence revoked for life, then hopefully someone will have the guts to sentence him to a very lengthy jail time where hoprfully someone will choke him to death!

  10. I hope the COWARD DIE SOON so he doesn’t hurt anymore defenseless animals. HIS LICENSE NEEDS TO BE REVOKED

  11. From my observations, the family and the dog don’t seem overly phased by this man’s actions which makes me believe that this is a regular occurrence and not just a one off, how can a person who is in the profession of caring for animals and promoting their welfare behave so atrociously to a poor defenceless creature, this MAN is a bully and a disgrace to his profession and needs to be punished accordingly, that poor poor dog, I hope it was removed from that environment

    • I completely agree. All the animals that were removed from that home should NEVER be returned. He’s a mean and vile vet, who should have his license revoked. He is certainly not living up to the standards set by his profession. To witness that horrible beating of an animal, tells me he is unfit to be around any animal. And this vet’s attorney stated he loved his dogs. What planet did this idiot attorney come from? He’s just as bad as the vet.

  12. Patricia Wicker says:


  13. Debbie Bemister says:

    That despicable monster should have his veterinary licence permanently revoked and should be sent to prison!

  14. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    deprive this damn son of a bitch of EVERYTHING (approval as a vet) etc. and never let animals near him nor give animals into his care. there must also be a public record as an animal abuser so that people are warned.

  15. that still picture that I see doesn’t show anything conclusive. I would like to see the actual video. When I roughhouse with my dog – and cat! – Hey still picture of it can look pretty… Rough! But it is just play.

    They want us to take action on some thing they’re saying happened and that they have the video, but we’re not seeing the video or any real evidence.M

    • Julia Edinger says:

      I agree!!! finding anyone can make a photo look bad but we aren’t told rest of the “FACT’S” !! FIND THAT PERSON WHO IS TAKING PIC ASK THEM IN A INTERVIEW WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN COURT ON THE STAND IF HE LIES,,,, IT’S JAIL!!!

    • The video shows this vet running after the dog screaming at the dog to come here. There’s another dog cowering in the background with his tail tucked under. That’s a fear posture. Once this vet grabs the dog, he starts punching, choking and slamming the dog to the floor. Pictures/videos are worth a thousand words.

  16. Andrew Wells says:

    I’m sick of these people, you have the death penalty in America,why not use it on him!!

  17. This turd was lucky I was not there I would have showed him what a beat down really looks like

  18. I read in a news article that the dog had bit a “juvenile”. Well, la-de-fuckin’-da. You DO NOT discipline an animal by beating the shit out of it. If anyone should know this it’s a veterinarian. And besides, maybe the “juvenile” Was being a little dickhead, abusing or teasing the dog. I’ve seen how some brats treat animals.

  19. Take his license away and charge him with animal
    Cruelty! This ass wipe should never be allowed to ever come in contact with any animal for the rest of his worthless life!!!!

  20. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard must be banned for life from being a veterinarian. His veterinarian licence must be canceled immediately. The ban must be for all over the world. Real justice would be to beat him to death. Since that probably won’t happen, he must serve 10 years in prison with no early parole, pay a $500,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again

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