Punish Veterinarian Reportedly Caught on Video Beating and Choking Dog

Target: Matthew Hynes, DVM, Director of Michigan Veterinary Medical Association Macomb Branch

Goal: Revoke license and prosecute veterinarian accused of cruelly beating pet dog on video.

A YouTube video surfaced appearing to show a man beating, slamming, and even choking his pet dog. Unfortunately, the circumstances are nothing new. These specific allegations, however, have a troubling new twist: the suspect is a veterinarian.

This man remains publicly unnamed because he is awaiting arraignment on animal cruelty charges. The fact that he has been identified as a professional who is tasked daily with the care of animals merits concern, though. The German shepherd at the center of the allegations, as well as two other pet dogs in the suspect’s home, have been removed from the residence. And an official in the county executive’s office was apparently troubled enough by the allegations to say that “there’s no question we had to get these dogs out of there for their own protection and for their own good.”

If the allegations against him prove true, this man should not be allowed to work with or care for animals. Sign the petition below to urge Michigan’s veterinary board to evaluate this case for possible license revocation.


Dear Dr. Hynes,

Veterinarians by their very nature must have a calm, measured approach. Animals—and especially sick animals—are unpredictable, but they absolutely deserve humane care. A veterinarian in Macomb County has allegedly demonstrated that he does not possess the fundamental qualifications to continue practice.

This man was reportedly caught on video abusing his pet dog to the extent that the animal was removed from the premises and charges were brought against the suspect. Only when authorities went to speak with him did they discover that the suspect worked in an animal care clinic in Shelby Township. Even if the suspect is convicted, the misdemeanor nature of the charges means that he will spend a minimal amount of time, if any, in jail.

Long-term consequences need to be more stringent. Please stay apprised of this case and, if a conviction does result, ensure that this man does not practice veterinary medicine again. The animals—and the people who entrust the care of their precious family members—deserve far better.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Muriel Angus-Shaw says:

    This disgusting excuse for a human being MUST be brought to book and banned,not only for owning ANY animal,but banned from ever working with animals again.

  2. Maria Lavorato says:

    Yes revoke license and ban him from ever having a pet both for life!

    Maximum animal cruelty charges with hefty fines!

    Hope you receive in jail what you dished out to all the animals you abused!….

  3. Maria Nowicki says:

    Beat and choke this pathetic excuse for a human!

  4. I’m retired Vet Tech. I would NEVER work for a Vet that mistreated any animal. I would report the Vet and let the public know how he or she mistreated their patients. This Vet’s license should be taken away. And never allowed around any animal again!

    • Jeannie Frank says:

      Thank you-exactly my feelings about this horrible,disgusting individual who has major mental problems and anger problems-ARREST him,take his ‘license’,and throw him in jail with a life sentence never to be around any innocent animal ever again.

  5. Is he still alive?! Sodomize him publicly!!!

  6. Atkins Linda says:

    This man must never be trusted to care for animals. His choking of his own dog is in tolerable. Who knows what perverse reason he may give for this cruel treatment unknowing people could leave their beloved pet I. A hazardous situation.

  7. Michelle Taylor says:

    This vile,ugly,mentally deranged severe animal abusing/killing scumbag must have the death penalty implemented. A slow and agonising extermination for this scumbag is essential!

  8. Mike Castoldi says:

    Kill this piece of shit!!! Hope the pup is ok!!!

  9. Robin Emmons says:

    An animal should never be beaten, choked, or abused. If you cannot control your temper there are people that can help you.

    • Are you a meat eater, milk drinker, egg eater? Tragically this is what happens to animals every single day in animal agriculture (factory farming). It’s demonic.That’s why I’m no longer part of this cruelty.

  10. Robin Emmons says:

    If a person cannot control their temper get help from a qualified person that specializes in anger control.

  11. Sharon Rudyk says:


  12. Martha Joyce says:

    This monster must be charged and imprisoned for life so that he cannot torture more dogs or other animals. Oh – he should be choked and tortured with his own methods just before his cage door is slammed shut.

  13. Carey Sutton says:

    Just kill him!!!!!!!!


  15. Definitely revoke his license and give him prison time. If he has no love of his own dog, what does he do to animals in his care. An unspeakable act by a degenerate man.

  16. Agree all comments do the same to her. She banned from going near any animals for life. Better still execute her.

  17. Urszula K O Lund says:

    MAX JAIL for this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED, SADISTIC and PSYCHOPATHIC scumbag!! How can a PROFESSIONAL VET (!!) INFLICT such EXTREME SUFFERING on an innocent and defenseless dog.
    ANIMAL VIOLENCE shall be treated as any human violence. Animals SHALL NOT BE VICTIMS — and they deserve JUSTICE just like YOU and ME!

  18. Name the stinking freak so the public knows! Revoke his license and make sure he never goes near an animal again. What a disgusting pos monster he is.

  19. Yes, please publicize his name and clinic and strip him off his vet license permanently! This scumbag is an aggressor and animal abuser! Never allow such a monster to have any contact with animals or keep one ever again! PLEASE FIND HIS PET DOG A GOOD LOVING HOME QUICKLY!

    • Bonnie Welch says:

      I have had 2 Prosecutors and one City Executive say they take animal cruelty very seriously. Sorry, the charges are a joke. This man and his followers were threatning protesters. The charges this man was given wouldnt stop any future POS animal Abusers. Its no wonder things are worse than ever! We need our Officials to ENFORCE and punish to the fullest extent of the law! Every possible time!

  20. Raymond Stevens says:

    This asshole needs to lose his license and do prison time. Tell the other inmates what he did. They will neuter this piece of shit.

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