Target: Richard Goldinger, District Attorney of Butler County, PA
Goal: Prohibit man accused of stabbing pet dog from further contact with animals.
A Pennsylvania man allegedly attacked his own dog with a kitchen knife. According to reports, Christopher Chuhra grabbed the knife after being bitten, then stabbed the animal at least three times. Thankfully, the husky benefitted from emergency surgery and is reportedly recovering.
Chuhra, on the other hand, faces aggravated animal cruelty charges. This case seemingly demonstrates how animals are often used as convenient targets for the anger of a human because they cannot fight back. Any individual caring for a pet should realize the responsibility that comes with being near an animal with natural instincts like biting.
Sign the petition below to urge that a ban on pet ownership and contact with animals be included among the pursued penalties in this case.
Dear DA Goldinger,
A dog nearly lost his life after his owner and caretaker allegedly stabbed him. If not for emergency surgical intervention, this innocent animal could have suffered an agonizing death. Christopher Chuhra stands accused of violating his duty of care and perpetuating aggravated animal cruelty.
Please pursue these charges with vigilance and do everything in your power to ensure Mr. Chuhra, if found guilty, is barred from contact with any more future potential victims.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Tranmautritam
It looks like he lives at 70 Bluebell Lane in Slippery Rock, PA. I wonder what he did to the dog to make it bite him – NOTHING deserves to be stabbed for protecting itself!
ABSOLUTELY!! If he got bit he f*kn DESERVED IT!! Siberians are some of the most friendly, playful, joyful dogs you’ll ever find. They’re basically party pups. I’ve been owned by two. They were amazing peppers. NOT good guard dogs, they LOVE EVERYBODY too much!! Lock this monster up and toss the key. I’D BE HAPPY TO DO MUCH WORSE TO HIM– EYE FOR AN EYE!! THANKFULLY THE PUP IS OK– PHYSICALLY– not sure how he’ll fare emotionally. Many dogs might move on from this horrific abuse but huskies are extremely intelligent. It may take him awhile to “forgive” being so horribly betrayed by a “pack member”.
I have a Husky and they are exactly as you discribed this breed. That man sounds awful. He probably provoked the dog. Anyone provoked or attacked will defend themselves. This man sounds unbalanced. Poor dog.
Animal cruelty is unacceptable and people who hurt animals need to be punished!
Throw the sick MOTHERF—er in jail after stabbing his disturbed ass 6 times!!!
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Stab him three times😡 really nothing is ever done to these creeps, time for vigilante justice, they need a lesson they won’t forget!
Get well beautiful dog& get a wonderful real home💖🐾🐾💖
I completely agree. Nothing is ever due to animal abusers. I don’t discourage vigilante revenge.
Agree with you Flygal. He deserves the same he did to this beautiful dog. An eye for an eye. That is how these
sick monsters will understand and stop.
Thie vile, mentally deranged severe animal abuser definitely requires instigation of the death penalty and nothing less. A slow and agonizing death for this vile scumbag is required!!
Please put SCUMBAG LOWLIFE Christopher Chuhra BEHIND BARS. Never allow this loser to have an animal again!
Throw this vile monster in jail for the rest of his miserable, worthless life! He should never be allowed near an animal ever again. I’m glad the dog is okay and healing.
MAX JAIL for this act of shocking cruelty!
LIFELONG BAN on pet ownership for this psychopathic human garbage!
why is this scumbag still alive why……he has no right to live anymore –
A person who abuses animals has forfeited his right to exist.
Christopher Chuhra is a jerk for stabbing his pet Husky for doing something natural. Pets are not ours to vent out our frustrations and anger. He needs to be banned from being around animals because he obviously has a bad temper. I’m glad the fur baby is recovering and I hope he gets justice.
Also, Christopher Chuhra needs to be punished for this offense.
This low life piece of shit needs jail time for animal cruelty plus mental help for anger management. That dog did not deserve this horrific treatment. Justice for the voiceless.
Psycho!!! Someone should pay him a visit and let him know what it felt like!
Let’s go.
I agree !!! Let’s do this !!! Karma/Justice toward “evil abusers” of innocent animals ….
That “Evil Abuser” deserves that same treatment for his punishment,,,, immediately!!! KARMA IS THE PERFECT JUSTICE …..
TO EVERYONE WHO IS ENRAGED BY THIS ACCOUNT: Until we DEMAND oversight on ALL pet adoptions, including pounds, shelters, pet shops AND designer breeders, we will be sickened and have our blood pressure raised by reading about these mutants constantly!!
Punish this SOB for this act of severe cruelty! I’m tired of signing these petitions every day with no results. Make sure this POS gets punished so he doesn’t do it again!!!
Rage and anger issues is good enough reason to ban him from ever keeping an animal or pet! Also, please enforce harsh punishment! Thank you for saving doggo’s life and please find him a good loving home!
That bastard must be charged with 2 Animal Cruelty Felonies. He must serve 10 years in prison with no early parole, must pay a $400,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. Real justice would be if someone stabbed him 3 times and left him to bleed to death.
I’ll bet you anything he provoked him. 😡
Not sure where else to sigh the petition