Dog Reportedly Stabbed Three Times by Man in Fit of Rage Deserves Justice

Target: Richard Goldinger, District Attorney of Butler County, PA

Goal: Prohibit man accused of stabbing pet dog from further contact with animals.

A Pennsylvania man allegedly attacked his own dog with a kitchen knife. According to reports, Christopher Chuhra grabbed the knife after being bitten, then stabbed the animal at least three times. Thankfully, the husky benefitted from emergency surgery and is reportedly recovering.

Chuhra, on the other hand, faces aggravated animal cruelty charges. This case seemingly demonstrates how animals are often used as convenient targets for the anger of a human because they cannot fight back. Any individual caring for a pet should realize the responsibility that comes with being near an animal with natural instincts like biting.

Sign the petition below to urge that a ban on pet ownership and contact with animals be included among the pursued penalties in this case.


Dear DA Goldinger,

A dog nearly lost his life after his owner and caretaker allegedly stabbed him. If not for emergency surgical intervention, this innocent animal could have suffered an agonizing death. Christopher Chuhra stands accused of violating his duty of care and perpetuating aggravated animal cruelty.

Please pursue these charges with vigilance and do everything in your power to ensure Mr. Chuhra, if found guilty, is barred from contact with any more future potential victims.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Tranmautritam


  1. Loraine Pretorius says:

    What has become of the human race. Monsters are being bred daily. This man is deranged and needs to be put away forever and never be allowed near or own a pet EVER. SHAME ON YOU

  2. That dog did not bite Chuhra for no reason, he was doing something to his dog to get this reaction and his overreaction is inexcusable and should not be tolerated or allowed to go unpunished. The dog cannot fight back against an armed assailant, but I do wish the dog had of torn this asshat’s throat out. That not being possible, the jerk needs a lifetime ban from any animal contact and a life time of anger management and psych treatment.

  3. Michelle Taylor says:

    This vile, mentally deranged severe dog abusing scumbag definitely requires instigation of the death penalty.

  4. Milantia Roy says:

    Death penalty for that coward … wish it were feasible!

  5. Gabriela Torres says:

    Dear DA Goldinger,
    People don’t seem to realize that the plagues, storms, droughts, earthquakes, floods, etc., are already a sign of the end of the world — and as for these perversities that happen daily and that do not receive a just punishment, they do no more than to defy God and hasten the end of this corrupt world we live in

  6. Alice Knight says:

    This person needs to learn to deal with his anger issues ASAP!
    I hope he will never be allowed to own or be able to care for any animal again. No second chances should be given.

    • Uncommonsensesc says:

      I think his anger issues could be beat out of him with a Louisville Slugger! I may be wrong but I’d sure like to try!

  7. Rose Coffey says:

    Convict this evil heinous creep. So sorry someone hasn’t gotten angry with HIM and beat the tar out of him. I hope the dog finds a loving forever home; hope Chuhra goes to jail

  8. Brenda Collins says:

    This is horrific! I hope and pray the scumbag who did this is punished to the FULLEST extent of the law (even that is not nearly enough!) God bless that poor dog.

  9. Mike Castoldi says:

    So glad this pup is gonna be ok, as for this shitbag just KILL him!!!

  10. Tracey Griser says:

    Stop The Madness
    Help The Voiceless

  11. worthless fucking piece of trash human he should be stabbed to death

  12. Patricia Wicker says:

    I AGREE Theresa, This Sadistic, deranged SCUM!!! should be put to death!!!

    Bless this poor Dog.

  13. Shelly Blaze says:


  14. Cathy McCormick says:

    Lock-Up the POS! Animal abuse is a felony and is never acceptable!

  15. Cheryl Miller says:

    Please never allow him to have the husky back or ever own any animals!!! He’s a sicko and hopefully he doesn’t have kids because he probably beats them too. Keep him in jail!!

  16. Marlene E Brown says:

    Felony charges and this vile scumbag should be tossed in prison and toss the key away. Animals provide comfort, love and support and this fucking POS…He probably bit to defend himself because this monster probably beat him..UGH we need Hammarabi’s Law for this shit..

  17. What was he doing that his dog committed what all dogs know is the cardinal sin for them. He bit his human. One bite did not deserve that retaliation. Punish this man. Do not waste my tax dollars on any anger management therapy. Keep him away from animals forever.

  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    Yes pursue the maximum charges!! Ban him for life. DO NO RETURN THIS DOG TO HIM!!!!

    I am happy that this little dog will make it. Please find him a happy forever home ….

  19. Sandy Menden says:

    Christopher Chuhra should be given the death penalty!!!!!

  20. Sandy, I totally agree with you.

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