Don’t Abandon Animals in Need During Natural Disasters

Target: Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

Goal: Pass the Prepared Act, which would provide emergency plans for animals in case of disasters.

The Prepared Act is a pending bill that would make several necessary amendments to the Animal Welfare Act. The goal of the Prepared Act is to protect at-risk animals from emerging disasters, ranging from wildfires, to hurricanes, to particularly brutal winter weather. Just as they do humans, natural and other disasters have devastating impacts on community animals, pets, and wildlife. It is our responsibility to better ensure these animals are properly protected, rather than abandoning them and leaving them to battle the elements on their own.

The Prepared Act would require facilities regulated by the Animal Welfare Act—such as zoos, animal breeders, and research institutions—to develop and implement emergency contingency plans for their animals. In a time where climate change is perpetrating a greater number of catastrophes than faced before, where dangerous wildfires, drought, and flooding are everyday news, we must take action fast.

Demand that Congress pass the Prepared Act and do more to protect our animals in the wake of climate change.


Dear Representative Pelosi,

A recently introduced bill–the Prepared Act–is still awaiting House approval. The Prepared Act would make a series of crucial amendments to the Animal Welfare Act as it currently stands, forcing facilities regulated by the AWA—such as zoos, animal breeders (and puppy mills), and research institutions—to devise and implement emergency contingency plans for animals in case of a disaster. Natural disasters have devastating potential, leaving thousands of animals abandoned and forced to fend for themselves. This bill would ensure that animal facilities better plan how to handle their animals during any natural or other disaster, so they do not get left behind.

The Prepared Act is especially important in current times, where we are experiencing near daily wildfires, drought, and flooding. Climate change will only continue to exacerbate these problems, and communities throughout the U.S. will almost certainly have to encounter the devastating effects of these disasters one way or another.

We are asking you, Ms. Pelosi, to support the Prepared Act and demand that AWA regulated facilities come up with contingency plans to protect their animals from the effects of climate change.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA


  1. When someone brings a pet into the family that pet becomes part of the family. Yet there are some who do not prepare. They do not feel an animal is worth as much as they are. I feel an animal is often worth more than people. Animals help us in so many ways asking only for a bit of food and a kind hand with a soft word. I feel disgusted by those who don’t even look back when leaving their pet, to fend for themselves, in and after a tragedy such as fires, floods, and the like. Even companies who make their living off the animals they treat so horridly leave them to swim in floods or burn in fires. These owners apply for money from the government … and get it. I feel that is so wrong. People usually carry insurance to help them recover in case of tragedy but these owners don’t bother and apparently are rewarded for their lack of preparation. The government shouldn’t give money to help as the business becomes too used to assistance from the government. Let these unscrupulous businesses shut down for not caring for their businesses or for their animals.

  2. I’m actually at a preparedness fair put on by my church. I’m manning the pet safety and care booth. It surprises me how many people think of having a prepared kit for their pet was not a priority! Our pets are part of the family and their safety needs to be just as important as our own.

  3. In times of crisis, there need to be more emergency shelters that allow pets. Many people leave their pets behind because shelters won’t allow them. I would never leave my pets behind, and if I can’t go to a shelter with them, then I’ll try to find another safe place, but I will NOT leave them. I’ve even been in flooding situations where I was up all night on the phone, finding a safe place for horses in a flooding barn, and then moving them by twos (I only had a two-horse trailer) until all were safe and dry. The water in the flooded barn was nowhere near high enough to drown them but standing in cold water would have been detrimental to their health and comfort, and, in my opinion, akin to torture.

  4. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    Animals are SENTIENT BEINGS and as such, they deserve protections from natural disasters and abuse and cruelty and neglect same as humans. PLEASE ACT NOW.

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