Captive Orcas Reportedly Chewing Teeth Off and Banging Heads Into Walls Must be Freed

Target: Marc G. Swanson, Interim CEO SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment
Goal: Release all orcas into the wild or to accredited sanctuaries.

Despite years of efforts to free SeaWorld’s orcas, this amusement park chain is still imprisoning these majestic animals for the entertainment and profit of humans. A former SeaWorld orca trainer, John Hargrove, is continuing his push to end this inhumane practice.

According to Hargrove, it is the confinement and mistreatment of orcas that has led to numerous high profile deaths at the parks. “Physical and psychological damage endured by human prisoners in solitary confinement is well documented. Orcas at amusement parks such as SeaWorld suffer the same fate,” noted Hargrove.

Hargrove is quick to point out that the orcas, themselves, are not to blame for the deaths at the park. Instead, the orcas eventually acted out, likely because of the harsh conditions they were forced to endure.

Incredibly, Hargrove claims that more than 40 orcas, 400 dolphins, and numerous whales have died at SeaWorld. Reportedly, some of the causes of death included pneumonia, infections, traumatic injuries, encephalitis, heart failure, and intestinal gangrene.

He also claimed that the confined mammals often broke their own teeth from chewing on concrete and slammed their heads against the walls of their cages.

SeaWorld has disputed many of these claims and also has agreed to stop breeding orcas. However, they continue to imprison orcas and force them to put on shows for humans inside tiny enclosures.

SeaWorld must finally do the right thing and release these majestic creatures.


Dear Marc G. Swanson,

Numerous humans have been killed by orcas at your parks, and numerous orcas, dolphins, and other whales, have apparently died, as well. These tragedies have been attributed by many experts to the severe stress these mammals face due to years of confinement.

A former SeaWorld trainer claims some of the deaths are attributed to pneumonia, infections, traumatic injuries, encephalitis, heart failure, and intestinal gangrene.

It is cruel to continue to imprison these intelligent and majestic animals for the entertainment and profit of humans. Please do the right thing and release all of SeaWorld’s remaining orcas to the wild or an accredited sanctuary.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Gimli62


  1. Rose Coffey says:

    If these reports are true then these marine animals need to be given their freedom. I can see why any type of animal does not do well in captivity; seems like it shouldn’t be that hard for others to pick up on either.

  2. Marilyn Wilson says:

    This is NOT entertainment,this is animal cruelty! Let them go to a sanctuary.

  3. Animal torture is NOT entertainment. This is barbaric. Shame on people who pay to see this suffering.

    • Julia Edinger says:

      I totally agree!!! This must been shut down,,,
      return to a sanuaury place in the ocean ,,,,they can’t survive on their own it is humans responsibility to feed them at that sanuaury for the rest of their lives,,,,period!!!

  4. Barry Ash says:

    Repulsive motherfucking so-called human species need to die.

  5. Julia Edinger says:

    Must remove them out of that hell hole,,,immediately!!!
    Take them all to a sanuaury in the ocean side to live out their precious lives MUST continue to be fed from humans since they are the ones who caused them to depend on food to survive…..

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