Man Accused of Violently Beating Dog For Eating His Lunch Must be Punished

Target: Florida State Attorney Amira D. Fox
Goal: Vigorously prosecute man accused of beating his dog for eating his food.

A man was caught on video appearing to violently beat his dog in the back of a car. According to reports, the man attacked his dog because the animal ate some of his lunch.

Luckily, the suspect was apprehended when deputies, who were at the gas station interviewing witnesses, noticed the man return to the scene in the same car with his girlfriend.

The suspect, identified as 22-year-old Marcus Chiddister was arrested and is accused of beating his dog, a 2-year-old pit bull named Sheeba. According to the local Sheriff, the suspect has been arrested 45 times in his 22 years of life.

According to the suspect’s girlfriend, this was not the first time that the man had beaten poor Sheeba.

Authorities went to the suspect’s home and took possession of Sheeba. She was taken to Lee County Domestic Animal Services where it was apparently determined that the dog had sustained “non-accidental” injuries.

Police say that the suspect claimed he was hitting cockroaches in the back of his car and not his dog.


Dear State Attorney Amira D. Fox

A man named Marcus Chiddister is accused of violently attacking his dog, a 2-year-old pitbull named Sheeba. Video captured at the scene appears to show the suspect beating the poor dog in the back seat of his car.

According to reports, police interviewed the man’s girlfriend, who positively identified the subject in the video. Apparently, she also indicated that the suspect has similarly beaten Sheeba in the past.

Animal abuse is a serious crime that is often under-punished. We ask that you vigorously prosecute this disturbing case and seek the maximum penalty under the law.

[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Lee County Clerk of Courts


  1. Rose Coffey says:

    As many times as this person has been in jail at his age it is quite obvious he needs to be placed in a mental facility to see if he can be rehabilitated. If not, given his hateful attitude with animals, I dare say he is a homicide waiting to happen. NO MORE ANIMALS OF ANY KIND FOR HIM AND GET HIM OFF THE STREETS FOR QUITE A LONG TIME>

  2. Debra Spurrier says:

    Unfortunately nothing will happen to this piece of human sh*t. I would not be surprised if the poor dog is returned to him. Our laws are a joke when it comes to protecting the other animals on this planet. Never is there justice for the nonhuman victims of these despicable monsters. Never.
    And tomorrow there will be another petition to sign to try to get a pittance of justice for another victim of another sociopathic piece of sh*t-

    • I know this sounds extremely bad but…. I wish these people could be shot as in put out of their misery. This guy looks deranged for a start, ok, dont go by looks, but…. what a damaged soul I feel he is possessed and should be sent back to the hell mouth. So many humans should be. His childhood was probably not good but…………..

    • Leimamo Oshiro says:


  3. Marcus Chiddister Is a scumbag POS that needs to be put behind bars!

    • Why waste taxpayer money by housing and feeding him? I think the money would be better used taking care of the abused animals. Critters like him who can’t be ‘fixed’ should just be euthanized.

  4. Sandy Menden says:

    22-year-old Marcus Chiddister should be violently beaten and the poor dog should not be given back to him or his girlfriend!!!! I would like to recommend that Msrcus Chiddister be put to death!!!!!!!!!

  5. I hope he gets beat to death in jail

  6. Avatar photo Torah Wolf says:

    People that tattoo their face like that definitely have a story to tell they want you to see it the first moment you look at them and people that do statistic and creepy horrible things to animals and fly off the handle for any tiny little things is definitely mentally drained and we have millions of these kind of people walking among Us so when we catch one…..

    I say lock that fucker up in a padded cell in the sanitarium and keep him there for the rest of his natural life

  7. This scumbag should never see the light of day! Arrested 45 times in his 22 years of life!!!! What the hell. There is something mentally wrong with this A-hole and should not be released. Who knows what harm he can and will do to people and animals. Laws must be rewritten.

  8. Nadine+brundage says:

    I’d like to see this evil bastard spending time in jail for animal cruelty. Let’s see how long this creep lasts with his fellow inmates . When will the wonderful justice system give these low life’s serious consequences instead of the usual bullshit sentences of nothing. I for one am sick of these people getting away Scott free. Do your job , enough is enough. This world is going down the tubes because no one is accountable for anything . This is why crime is rampant.

  9. Please, lifetime ban from contact and owning any animal.

  10. Vera van Diepen says:

    22-year-old Marcus Chiddister – a monster among us …

    No place on Mother Earth for this kind of nothing.

  11. Stop letting him out of fucking jail you fucking morons!! Clearly he can’t handle being in society!!

  12. Lee Fister says:

    Jail time for this bastard let all the folks that see him beat him & beat him hard till his skull cracks open!!!!!

  13. This despicable violent behavior must be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This sickening act of violence against this poor dog is inexcusable and unacceptable. This poor dog must have been so scared and traumatized. Hope she will be OK and wil be adopted into a loving home.


  15. He needs a good public beating on the town square. Also what woman in her right mind would come anywhere near that? If he ever has kids, we need to make sure he never sees them, let alone gets to be in the same room with a child. He’s obviously worthless.

  16. This piece of shit should be put away for good

  17. Jameela Eugenio says:

    Pls don’t ever return Sheeba to this ugly POS‼️ He will never stop until he kills poor Sheeba. This SOB should never be allowed to own another animal ever again‼️

  18. This man is a homicide waiting to happen and his brutal beating of a dog over a lunch is sadistic and depraved. Perhaps if he fed the dog and took care of it this wouldn’t have happened, but given his record he would’ve done this over anything. He’s sick, dangerous and useless; jail him for a long time and give him a lifetime ban on going near any animal for any reason ever again.

  19. Felizitas Müller says:

    obviously he´s an antisocial person,probably a son of a junkie. He must have been a freak even before his mother gave birth to him. An incurable psychopath. None creatures should be urged living in his orbit(but cockroaches).
    Look at his insane face… there´s nothing left to say

  20. Tammy+Rossetti says:

    What the fuck is THIS thing? And why didn’t the “girlfriend” do something useful, stupid twat.

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