Success: Homemade Guns Responsible for Thousands of Crimes Regulated by Law

Target: Joe Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Support background checks and licensing requirements for homemade ghost guns.

As another year marches toward its mid-point, America is once again poised to shatter gun violence records. About 200 mass shootings alone have taken place since the beginning of the year, with over 200 fatalities linked to these incidents. Recently, children in the midst of a Little League baseball game were forced to take cover as gunfire erupted in the parking lot. This ForceChange petition called on the nation’s leaders to at last take some measure of action to curb this epidemic. President Biden recently took up the call with an executive order targeted at a rapidly on-the-rise threat: ghost guns.

These firearms can be assembled from kits sold online. They are unregistered and untraceable. Ghost guns gained notoriety after a California police officer was killed during a traffic stop–a tragedy in which over 100 rounds were fired from such a gun at approaching police. The guns have skyrocketed in popularity since, with entire websites devoted to sales of their kits. Authorities linked ghost guns to around 20,000 criminal investigations in 2021. In recent weeks, they have been apprehended at two high schools.

Ghost guns have previously required no serial numbers or background checks for the kits from which they are made, and sellers of kits needed no license. Essentially, they were not even considered firearms. The Biden executive order fixes these loopholes and will now require licensing of dealers and serial numbers placed on every ghost gun kit. Perhaps most importantly, sales of the most easily-accessible “buy-build-shoot” kits will be prohibited.

Sign the petition below to thank the president for helping keep these insidious weapons out of the hands of abusers, terrorists, gangs, disturbed kids, and other dangerous individuals.


Dear President Biden,

Homemade firearms, or ghost guns, have been linked to the deaths of Americans ranging from teenagers to police officers. No individual should be able to make a deadly weapon with the ease that they make a sandwich. Yet for too long, this troubling trend has been allowed to grow and expand undeterred.

Thank you for finally saying no more and closing ghost gun loopholes that were leading to far too many preventable tragedies.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Soncahi Kongkarmsri

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683 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Silvia Rocha
  • John B
  • Dakotah Woller
  • Rebecca Martin
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