Target: Columbia County, Washington Prosecuting Attorney Dale Slack
Goal: Give prison sentence to people who reportedly locked dog inside trunk in hot weather while trying to conduct a drug deal.
A puppy was allegedly locked inside a trunk for over two hours while the car was turned off in 70-degree weather. Riley M. Walters and Chloey A. Cairns were arrested shortly afterwards. They need to spend time in prison if they are found guilty of this heartless abuse.
According to reports, the animal was stuffed inside a zipped-up storage bag with the nose sticking out. A drill was allegedly sitting on top of the bag when police discovered the animal. It was also claimed the puppy was emaciated and that a pungent smell of waste was coming from the vehicle.
Officers further allegedly found 80 fentanyl pills, 500 Xanax pills, and 14.6 grams of methamphetamines inside the car, some of which Walters and Cairns apparently intended to deliver. They are both being held on animal cruelty and drug related charges. Sign this petition to demand they spend time behind bars if they are found guilty of these horrific infractions.
Dear Prosecuting Attorney Slack,
Riley M. Walters and Chloey A. Cairns were brought up on second degree animal cruelty charges and for the possession of drugs with the intent to deliver them to someone after officers allegedly found a puppy trapped inside a bag in their trunk and pills inside their car. They need to be given a strict legal sentence if it is found they committed these acts to better ensure other animals and people will be less likely to be harmed by their actions.
Officers stated that a heavy drill had been placed on top of the bag containing the puppy and that the animal was extremely thin. Authorities further reported that a strong smell of urine was coming from the car where the dog was found. Although they were able to rescue the puppy, the stress that the animal experienced during the alleged incident may prove difficult to overcome, as studies show that dogs in these situations oftentimes continue to show signs of anxiety, including aggression and avoidance, even after being adopted by loving families.
Walters and Cairns will be tried on animal abuse charges and for possessing substances with the intent to either sell or give them to another party. For these reasons, I demand you suggest they spend the maximum amount of time in prison if it is found they are responsible for committing these inexcusable crimes.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Clark County Sheriff’s Office
These people need be sentenced and never to her returned to civil society. They don’t deserve civilized society. Throw away any and all cdhances of release.
Agree wholeheartedly!
They should stuff them in the trunk for
that long and see how they make it. People are absolutely horrible!!!
Longer LONGER and give them a 6 by 2 tiny house each.
Agree with you Mary Crowder. Humans are cruel and horrible.
So tired if these POS animal abusers fetting off easy. Lock their sorry asses away for life. No innocent living being should ever endure such trauma.
Pos evil trash. This puppy is lucky. My friend is a rescuer and found kitten in plastic trash bag that was tied just in time. I fostered kitten and we found great home.
Give them overdoses of their own drugs and incinerate the corpses
Drug dealers and animal abuse! These people deserve to be in prison, pay hefty fines, lose the privilege of ever having or being near another animal for the rest other miserable lives and if children are involved they should be monitored. These inferior males always abuse those animals smaller and weaker than they are. How about they face off with a grizzly? That would show them how the dog they made suffer felt and would teach them a good lesson on how they are cowards. LOL!
All the cruel evil punks involved in this need to be securely locked in a trunk forever…..they need to be removed from society as they area menace to animals and humans. The usual slap on the hand for animal cruelty must end now…..and it happens even where there are laws in place to punish animal killer/abusers…
These two definitely need to serve prison time – not just for selling drugs but an extended amount of time for animal cruelty. Jerks.
Omg Scum Fkg Bag .. he Better get Jail and Fined up his ass
These two should both take large amounts of the drugs they were selling, useless human beings!
Riley M. Walters and Chloey A. Cairns should be put to death!!!!!!!
Hope these rotten bastards go straight to hell
And get there reward of a life time of torture
Low life pieces of shit need jail time for animal cruelty and drug dealing. Brainless, heartless scum.
There are NO IFS !!! THEY ARE 100% GUILTY AND SHOULD BE PRISONED tortured killed whatevwr. Nonise for lowlife souless s im like these in our sociery!
lock them up for good
These so-called humans should be thrown in jail for a very long time. Hope the puppy will survive and find a loving jome.
Please put SCUMBAG LOWLIFE Riley M. Walters and Chloey A. Cairns BEHIND BARS NOW.
DO NOT LET THESE POSs own another animal AGAIN!
They both belong in prison. Life long ban on owning or being around pets and animals. Prayers sweet baby
Yes, get these heartless, inhumane fools out of society now & forever. They are a danger to humans & animals.
People need to stop with the eye for eye stuff. We have humane punishment rules for a reason. Being cruel in return isn’t the answer