Children Reportedly Forced to Make Chocolate in Dangerous Conditions Deserve Justice

Target: Michele Buck, Hershey’s CEO

Goal: End the reported reliance on child labor in the chocolate industry.

Major chocolate producers reportedly continue to exploit and endanger children in their production processes. Sign the petition now to demand that corporations like Hershey’s end their apparent use of child labor and produce chocolate ethically.

Cocoa production is reportedly one of the most dangerous forms of child labor. While working on these farms, young children are apparently exposed to many different toxic pesticides and expected to move hundreds of pounds of pods, as well as use dangerous equipment like machetes. They are seemingly expected to start work at sunrise and work late into the evening in horrific conditions throughout. Many of these exploited children are reportedly forced into this work through poverty, and as a result, do not attend school and may go many months without seeing their families.

These companies have claimed to source cocoa ethically, but investigative journalism has reportedly shown us otherwise. Illegal child labor is rampant on the West African farms where chocolate companies source their cocoa, and the American companies that use these farms seemingly continue to engage in shady, unjust practices. In 2020 alone, Hershey’s made 3.7 billion dollars in profit. How much of that money was made off of the backs of West African children?

The U.S. Supreme Court has seemingly shown that it is unconcerned with child slavery practices. It is up to us to put pressure on these companies and tell them we will not buy chocolate reportedly made from child slaves. Sign below to demand these companies end the apparently inhumane use of child labor now.


Dear Mrs. Buck,

While companies like Hershey’s claim otherwise, investigative journalism has reportedly shown that you continue to use dangerous and exploitative child labor. The West African farms where Hershey’s source their cocoa seemingly engage in illegal child labor on a wide scale. These children, forced into work through poverty, apparently do not attend schools and instead work for months at a time, exposed to various toxins, carting cocoa pods and using machetes and other dangerous equipment.

Last year Hershey’s made 3.7 billion dollars in profit. Mrs. Buck, how much of that money was made off the backs of West African children? We will no longer buy chocolate reportedly made by child slaves and demand that you source your chocolate ethically.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Trocaire


  1. Hershey Co. SLAVE LABOR is a crime. Are
    you & your investors that money hungry?
    These are children who need their parents. Did you buy the kids from their parents due to their poverty &
    this is the only source of income.
    This is intolerable.

  2. Julia Deluca says:

    Boycott Hershey and Nestle. When buying chocolate, stick to companies that do fair trade (i.e. Endangered Species, Alter Eco).

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1136 Signatures

  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Laura A Parker
  • Katie Richards
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