Dogs Apparently Abandoned and Left to Die in Woods Deserve Justice

Target: Acting Atlantic County, New Jersey Prosecuting Attorney Cary Shill

Goal: Give woman prison sentence for allegedly deserting her dogs in the woods without food or water.

Five dogs were allegedly dumped in the woods and left to die by their owner, Jodi Wozniak. She needs to be brought to justice if she is found guilty of this crime, to better ensure she will not be able to harm more animals.

According to reports, some of the dogs had been abandoned in their kennels without access to food or water. Others were found tied up to trees. The land owner claimed that Wozniak had deserted the dogs at least 15 hours prior to when they were found. The dogs still technically belong to her because she refused to surrender them to the shelter. They have, instead, been placed on a protective hold. When this happens the animal in question is usually held for a while before either being adopted out, sold, or euthanized. However, sometimes owners are allowed to take seized animals home.

Wozniak was indicted on five counts of animal cruelty and several other charges. Sign this petition to demand Wozniak be suitably punished under the law if it is found she committed these actions and to further insist that she not be legally allowed to regain custody of the dogs she allegedly abandoned.


Dear Acting Prosecuting Attorney Shill,

Jodi Wozniak was indicted on five counts of animal cruelty after officers stated she left her dogs stranded in the woods without anything to eat or drink. It is important that she receive a fitting legal sentence to make it less likely other animals will suffer under her care.

Reports state that some of the dogs were tethered to trees, while others had been left to starve in their kennels. According to Wozniak’s former landlord, the dogs had been discarded for over half a day before they were discovered.

The Atlantic County Animal Shelter currently has the dogs on a protective hold, although there is still a chance Wozniak could once again be given custody of her animals. For these reasons, we demand you seek the strictest punishment for Wozniak possible and that you further insist she be denied the chance to take her animals home if she is found guilty of displaying such mistreatment.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: PROPOL187



  2. what a horrible so called woman lock her up for good

  3. If u give her the dogs back ur as much as a piece of shit as she is!!

  4. Mr Greer Hart, senior says:

    An animal must be genuinely loved and never betrayed by its owner. To abandon a dog or cat leaves an animal in a state of great stress. Love for children and other family is essential for a healthy society, and the same goes for the animals included in family life as companions.

  5. This vile, severe dog abusing,mentally deranged bitch must have the death penalty implemented.A slow and agonising death for this evil cretin is essential!

  6. Five counts of attempted murder, and 5 counts of abandonment = 85 years in prison, NO PAROLE.

  7. Alice Knight says:

    Do not award this woman custody of her dogs.
    What are the chances of her abusing these innocent dogs another time?. I don’t see her having any conscience regarding animal suffering or respect.


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