End Destruction of Natural Wilderness That Fights Climate Change

Target: First Minister Nicola Sturgeon

Goal: Formally protect Scotland’s peatlands and their use as a massive carbon sink.

Scotland is home to an often overlooked ecosystem in its Highlands. These peatlands function as one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, absorbing as much carbon dioxide as the Amazon Rainforest. This vital landscape has been shrinking for almost a century.

Much like the rainforest, if not properly cared for peatlands can erode, oxidize, and end up emitting carbon dioxide rather than capturing it. There is a ticking clock when it comes to capturing existing carbon in the atmosphere, and failing to act can result in a so-called “climate apartheid.” As nations waffle over developing carbon capture technologies, it is important to remember the natural solutions that we can develop, like these ecosystems that can capture carbon all on their own.

Scotland’s peatlands are also a vital habitat to many species whose numbers are dwindling due to habitat loss. These areas don’t always attract the environmental protection that they deserve. The wetlands are boggy, made up largely of decomposed foliage and trees. Because they are less accessible for farming, building, and recreation than other landscapes, Scotland has been draining them for years. But some groups are leading the way towards change.

The Scottish Rewilding Alliance (SRA) has been working with landowners and environmental organizations to protect Scotland’s vital ecosystems. So far, these efforts have made a tremendous impact, yet individual landowners can only do so much. The Scottish government must take action now to formally protect its peatlands.

Tell the Scottish government its peatlands are invaluable and must be protected to ensure a healthier planet.


Dear Minister Sturgeon,

Scotland’s peatlands are a vital part of the ecosystem, not just for Scotland itself, but for the entire world. They absorb carbon dioxide at rates equivalent to the Amazon Rainforest. However, this vital land is shrinking rapidly and can start to emit carbon dioxide rather than absorb it.

The peatlands are also vital to many species in danger of extinction from habitat loss. While environmental agencies have been working with individuals and organizations to protect Scotland’s ecosystems, these efforts can only go so far.

Please, take action now to formally protect these vital peatlands.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Simon Huguet

One Comment

  1. You are right, this is a very big problem and unfortunately not all companies or people want to understand this. I have now decided to help myself as best I can and build my career in this area. On the https://www.climatechangecareers.com/ website, I found some good companies that work with climate change issues.

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