Starving Dog Left to Die in Abandoned School Deserves Justice

Target: St. Louis Animal Cruelty Task Force

Goal: Get justice for the starving pittie abandoned in shuttered St. Louis school.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep the nation, schools must make the decision of when they will reopen their facilities. As some schools open, one school in St. Louis, Missouri remained shut down, with its students sent to different buildings. But one soul was recently discovered roaming its debris-filled halls: a starving, trapped, and desperate Pitbull.

Thankfully rescuers saved the sweet pittie, affectionately named Teacher’s Pet, in time. But one question remains: how did he come to be trapped on the second floor of a shuttered building? Sign the petition to ask the Humane Society of Missouri’s Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACT) & St. Louis Authorities to investigate!

In a video posted by Stray Rescue of St. Louis, you can watch each moment of Teacher’s Pet’s rescue. Rescuers had been called about tormented howls coming from an abandoned school building, so they came to investigate. When they looked up, they saw the Pitbull’s face peering out at them from a shattered window. He was saved.

Rescuers could tell from the number of feces that Teacher’s Pet had stayed mainly in one classroom. That and his emaciated state alerted them to the fact that he had been trapped there for far too long.

Other than “the shattered remains of a first-floor window…on the other side of [which] was a 12-foot drop,” it was impossible for Teacher’s Pet to have gotten into the building without being “deliberately dumped.” Rescuers themselves had a difficult time getting in to save him, and he hadn’t suffered any injuries like cuts or broken bones from a fall. St. Louis’ ACT must work with local authorities to find out who abandoned him to die, and stop them from harming any other animals.

Sign the petition to make sure that no other animals are left like Teacher’s Pet was.


Dear St. Louis ACT,

A school in St. Louis, shuttered due to the coronavirus pandemic, was recently discovered to be home to an emaciated pit bull. Affectionately named Teacher’s Pet by his rescuers, he was skin-and-bones by that time but did not have any injuries to suggest that he was trapped in the building of his own accord. Rather, it appears that the only way he could have been in the boarded-up building was if he had been abandoned there by someone intentionally.

Someone left Teacher’s Pet there to die, and it was simply a matter of luck that he was found, living in a classroom on the second floor. He survived the ordeal, but there is no guarantee that it won’t happen again, and the next animal might not be so lucky.

Please, investigate this incident and make sure that you find the guilty parties and that this does not happen to any more animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo By: Joe Stoltz


  1. This was a delierate action and the evil cretin who did this to this poor dog must be exterminated.I am ready,willing and able to help perform this procedeure!! OH YESS!!!

  2. Hopefully they had cameras and can catch the person who did this and make sure they go to prison they must have cameras somewhere around the property or across the street at a gas station or somewhere somebody knows something what a truly evil…. evil thing to do!!!

  3. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    WHY did no one step up and take this dog to a rescue or take him home? Unbelievable, how uncaring and unconscious people are.

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