Reportedly Malnourished Lions Forced to Eat Their Own Deserve Justice

Target: Charl Terblanche, owner of Farm Olivia

Goal: Get justice for the deaths of 30 allegedly malnourished lions.

As massive fires sweep through the Free State area of South Africa, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SCPA) has been moving through the region, caring for injured animals. One area in particular was especially gruesome. Farm Olivia is a game reserve located outside of Bloemfontein, and when inspectors from the SCPA came to the farm they reportedly discovered 59 lions, tragically abused. The owner of the farm allegedly knew for 5 days that the animals were injured, and yet administered no medical treatment, nor did he call for help. The lions were reportedly discovered huddled together, unable to escape the flames not because of a fence or enclosure, but because they were too malnourished to move. Several of the cats were apparently too weak to stand, and were so famished that some turned on one of their own, killing and eating it. 

Vets from the SCPA treated the animals for days, but 30 of them were too weak and injured to save, and in the end had to be euthanized. The owner was not present for either the inspection or the euthanization, and inspectors say he laughed when presented with a warning and refuses to comply with any subsequent warnings or spend any money on his lions. You can also visit the Bloemfontein SPCA’s website and click on the donate button to help care for these animals. Use the reference ‘Lions.’

The alleged behavior at Farm Olivia is absolutely disgusting, and the horror the cats seem to have gone through is tragic. While a lawsuit has been leveled against the owner of the establishment, it is vital that he never be allowed to hurt animals again. Sign the petition to ensure that he does not profit from the abuse and mistreatment of these lions.


Dear Mr. Terblanche,

The recent allegations of animal abuse levied against you by the SCPA paint the image of a morally corrupt man profiteering off of the mistreatment and neglect of animals. Your apparent behavior is horrifying, even before the fires that burned and suffocated the cats that you own. You allegedly knew that these lions were suffering, and yet did not raise a finger to alleviate their pain in any way. You reportedly laughed at their pain, and now you must do the right thing by paying for their treatment, along with stepping down from ownership of Farm Olivia, a position that you appear incapable of maintaining. 

Shame on you, Mr. Terblanche.


[Your Name Here]

Photo By: Bjørn Erik Pedersen


  1. The keeper of this game preserve needs to never, ever have another piece of nourishment until he drips dead!!!

  2. These animals are becoming extinct so how can you not prosecute this person and not close this farm. By laughing at what she did shows how much cruelty and torture she loves to inflict. To be burned alive is a horrible way do die.

  3. This disgusting, evil bastard needs executing! Nothing else is justice for these poor animals. No decent society should let these horrific hell holes continue to exist. Close them all, get the animals to safety and hang the murdering filth that have been responsible for all the suffering and death of precious animals. Unforgivable!!

  4. Christine Eckerson says:

    Evil human!! Needs the same lack of food and any treatment also!!

  5. throw him in jail and throw the key away

  6. Because We Care about All Living Beings and how we treat Them
    R and TJ

  7. Animal protection laws are a joke to enforce, that’s why the guy laughed. These people pay huge sums to continue abusing animals, council officials accept bribes, loopholes in the law deliberately written to protect the ranchers, game and meat industry. Follow the money. There is no human justice and animals everywhere are sacrificed to fill pockets, pride and gut. Divine retribution will in due time catch them all, they won’t be able to hide any longer from the consequences of their decisions.

  8. This dung heap on legs should be dropped in a pit and left to starve. I do hope it is never allowed near any animal ever again Sickening joke of a human

  9. Val Gaffney says:

    This piece of shit should be left to rot!How does South Africa give out licrnces to such people Do they ever inspect? SHAME ON YOU

  10. Rose Coffey says:

    And the owner laughed? OK – please ensure that he is placed in confinement for quite some time. We can’t let monsters like this one off easily.

  11. Disgusting!!! Those people should not be on earth!

  12. Absolutely revolting and I humane.

  13. What an absolute garbage human. RIP, poor things.

  14. Anyone who could harm an innocent animal regardless of which type should be held in an in closed small cage for the rest of his life. No one should be allowed to visit this monster till he dies. Shame on anyone who could cause such harm to an innocent animal.

  15. I am heart broken. These majestic and awesome beautiful animals who deserve all our respect treated with absolute disgust by what we call a human is a slap in our creators face. It is one of the most disgusting and degrading encounters I have experienced in my lifetime. He clearly does not know what dignity and respect means – may he rot in hell! Blood lions, four paws, SPCA and born free you have all my support.

    Here’s the full story…. And bank info for much needed donations.
    This petition won’t be going anywhere… It’s aimed at the perpetrator.. Why? Surely it should be addressed to someone who can help, be it a judge or a lawyer or someone in Gov.

  17. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    This monster must be prosecuted and convicted for multiple counts of egregious animal abuse and criminal animal neglect. IMMEDIATELY seize all animals at this facility, make the owner PAY ALL VET BILLS to restore these poor lions to full health, then send them to sanctuary for the remainder of their lives; the owner should pay those costs as well. Finally, BAN him from ever purchasing, owning, caring for or working with ANY animals ever again.

  18. Obviously this man is a full blown sadist who enjoys the suffering of these poor unfortunate creatures. He should never again be close to animals again
    He should face prison time and be heavily fined. And legally not be able to own animals again.
    But unfortunately this type of individual will one way or another get hold of poor animals in the future, to feed his sadistic needs. That is why he laughed because he knows most probably due to weak laws there nothing will happen
    My heart aches at the thought of the suffering of those poor lions and the suffering he will most probably do again in the future

  19. Well that’s just disgusting… But I’m not surprised this was found in South Africa…

  20. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard deserves to be executed. I hope there’s a “hunting accident” and he ends up dead.

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