Ban the Use of Live Firearms on Film Sets Following Cinematographer’s Tragic Death

Target: Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, Executive Director for Screen Actors Guild-American Federation for Television and Radio Artists

Goal: Change gun safety policy on film and television sets to prohibit the use of guns with blanks

Halyna Hutchins, a director of photography, was shot and killed on the set of an upcoming drama with a firearm that was supposed to be filled with blanks. This was an entirely avoidable accident seemingly brought on by untrained crew, the quick turnaround demanded by producers, and overconfidence brought about by the assumption that these weapons have been rendered completely harmless. This tragedy is reminiscent of the death of Brandon Lee, but it is no longer the early 90’s. Visual effects have improved dramatically over the past thirty years, and it is no longer necessary to use live firearms while shooting a movie or TV show.

This accident also arrives during a reckoning in Hollywood over the treatment of crew on set. These employees are often overworked, underpaid, and spend upwards of fifteen to twenty-hour days at work, conditions that are, quite frankly, inhumane. This contributes to the culture that seemingly allowed for the death of cinematographer Hutchins.

This is not something that should be happening in 2021. This is not something that should have ever been allowed to happen. Please sign the petition below to ensure that no one else experiences the same senseless tragedy.


Dear Mr. Crabtree-Ireland,

Following the tragic death of Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and the injuring of Director Joel Souza on the set of Rust, it is time for a long due reckoning on the use of real guns on TV and movie sets. With the advent of increasingly realistic visual effects and editing techniques, blank guns are no longer a necessity for a realistic film. While there may be an argument for a slight dip in realism, the safety of actors and crew is paramount, especially during the current climate discussing the horrific working conditions of crew in the film industry.

Research shows that producers listen to unions, so it is up to you to step up and ensure that no one else dies from these entirely avoidable accidents. Be the voice that ensures change.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pxhere


  1. I don’t believe that live ammunition is allowed on sets. This was a fluke. Even if Alec Baldwin gets to go free, he will carry this terrible guilt for the rest of his life, because of someone’s screw up.

  2. MJ…because of “someone’s screw up????” It was HIS mistake, caused by arrogance and ignorance and the real question is “will he be held responsible for his negligent homicide?” He should NOT go free simply because he’s an anti-firearms liberal movie star…you and I wouldn’t!

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1516 Signatures

  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • John B
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Lorraine Smith
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Jennifer Sellers
  • Laura A Parker
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