Stop Dangerous Descent Into Authoritarian Rule

Target: Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland.

Goal: Don’t abandon the European Union and protections for human rights.

A constitutional tribunal in Poland recently backed the prime minister’s challenge that European law is incompatible with the country’s constitution. Why does this matter? Citizens across the nation fear an even more hardline and chaotic version of Brexit. If Poland were to leave the European Union (EU), political instability and authoritarianism could rise. Fundamental rights would stand at risk in the process.

Poland joined the European Union in 2004, and citizens have by and large been happy with the security and the rights afforded them with membership. Over 100,000 protesters recently took to the streets to speak out against the very idea of a “Polexit.” These advocates seemingly represent the vast majority of Poles who want to remain under the EU umbrella. The leaders’ challenge is particularly troubling because it came about largely due to criticism about the Polish government’s handling of human rights issues. In its ruling, the tribunal cited the constitution’s supremacy on matters related to minorities’ rights.

Sign the petition below to urge the country’s leadership to rethink its reckless flaunting of a system of values that has helped keep peace in Europe for decades.


Dear Prime Minister Morawiecki,

The last time Poland fell to authoritarian rule, it ended in tremendous tragedy for the country and for the entire world. By openly challenging the code of values that keeps the European Union together and strong, you are risking another dangerous devolution. Poland cannot and should not reap the benefits of EU membership if it cannot abide by fundamental tenets related to human rights.

The Polish people want to remain, and they made this wish quite clear with recent demonstrations. Do not undermine the will of the people and risk the fragile peace of this democratic union. Stop the government’s attacks before you create a chain reaction beyond your control.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Kaboom Pics

One Comment

  1. What are you talking about? Look at the abuse in AUSTRALIA right now! Stop pointing fingers at conservatives. Stop bothering the Polish people! Their country is finally starting to recover from all the hell they have been through. Be supportive or shup up!

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932 Signatures

  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • John B
  • Dennis and Susan Kepner
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Laura A Parker
  • Katie Richards
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