Vet Accused of Child Abuse and Bestiality Must be Punished

Target: Southern District of Florida U.S. Attorney Juan Antonio Gonzalez (acting)
Goal: Pursue maximum penalty for vet accused of bestiality and child abuse.

A veterinarian has reportedly pleaded guilty to charges of possession of child pornography and creation of “animal crush” videos, which typically show animals being stepped on or trampled for human sexual gratification.

Up until his arrest, the vet had a stellar reputation for providing top-notch care to his patients. “Look no further!” one person wrote in 2018 in a review, “you will not regret coming to this vet.”

Unfortunately, countless pet owners were sadly mislead by the vet’s seemingly caring treatment of their animals and are now expressing their deepest regret. “That’s the most disgusting thing. Nobody knows what happened in there,” lamented one former patient, “it’s horrifying.”

According to reports, authorities were tipped off to the vet when he was found to have uploaded and accessed thousands of files that included animal sexual abuse videos and child pornography. Some of the videos appeared to have been recorded at the vet’s home, as well as at his animal clinic. Although authorities haven’t released the files, animal crush videos typically show animals being stepped on or trampled for human sexual gratification.


Dear U.S. Attorney Juan Antonio Gonzalez (acting),

A veterinarian in your jurisdiction was recently arrested, and apparently pleaded guilty to a series of horrific crimes. These crimes include receiving child pornography, possession of child pornography, and the creation of “animal crush” videos.

Child abuse and animal abuse are some of the worst crimes a person can commit. However, in this case the person was someone entrusted to provide medical care. If it is possible to have a crime worse than child and animal abuse, it would be when that crime is committed by someone in a position of trust and power.

Please seek the absolute maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Caring Hands Animal Hospital


  1. Shirley Lemieux says:

    It would be a complete shame on Earth if this Veterinarian did not lose his License to practice animal medicine in the entire United States of America and beyond. These are very serious crimes. The fact that this man was in a position of trust from the public makes this case even worse. Let us hope that the system of Justice does not fail to deliver the right judgement and punishment for these horrendous crimes.

  2. twist him in half and throw him in the trash does not deserve to live

  3. Rose Coffey says:

    This person needs to spend time either in a mental institution or in a laboratory being used as a test subject in place of innocent animals. How sad it is that there are so many evil people in our world. Put them where they belong.

    • Mental institution my sweet hairless arse. You must be a nicer person than me because I am sick to death of hearing it’s a sickness and we must pay taxes to keep them safe.

  4. All I can say is it’s a bloody good job this man is not my vet. Especially if he had told me a pet had passed away because I would make my nightmares his.

  5. Don’t veterinarians take an oath to Not harm animals? Now child porn! Animal crush videos!
    What next? This person needs to have his license revoked and jailed! Any animals that can be helped, need to be helped and all paid for by the heavy fines! Sell off any possessions to pay for anything else. This is a disgusting individual and it would be insulting to the animals to call him one. Scum is a better term. Prosecute Prosecute Prosecute.

  6. Death penalty. Done.

  7. Nadine brundage says:

    Demented, evil bastard needs the nearest mental institution or prison time for horrific cruelty. Hope this asshole is not still in practice and no longer has his license. Let justice be served.

  8. in fl this will be seen as a minor crime, red state hate state.

  9. It is for human slime like this that the death penalty needs to be reinstated. He doesn’t deserve to live. He is the worst of the worst. I can only pray that he gets the maximum possible sentence for each crime to be served consecutively, and hope his fellow inmates kill him.

  10. A waste of space and oxygen on this earth. The world would be a better place without this piece of shit

  11. So Heartbreaking and SICK To THE CORE!!!! DEMANDING the HIGHEST PENALTY LAW PERMITS, but this VILE MONSTER, DESERVES THE SAME TREATMENT. HE is the Lowest Trash Waking, needs to be silenced forever. The world will be a better place without him!!!!~

  12. That is just so disgusting and disturbing. I feel an intense hatred for this man, and I hope he loses everything. I’m supposed to forgive people, knowing that God won’t forgive me if I, myself don’t forgive, but it’s going to be very, very difficult.

  13. Michael Castoldi says:

    This shitbag needs to DIE,End of story what a piece of shit!!!

  14. Florida, huh. What a surprise–home to Trump and DeSantis. This state must have some of the highest violent and non-violent crime in the country.


  16. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    Highest punishment possible to this human waste

  17. This is insane!!??!! What a complete sicko and creep!!! Why would he do such horrible cruel things to these animals?!?! Why??? Please put him in jail, make him pay a ton of fines, never ever let him own animals or work as a vet again!!

  18. Omg! Sicko lock him up in prison and let his new friends use him .. This is totally unacceptable,inexcusable . Deranged . He’s a threat to animals and kids and society. He needs Castrated ..

  19. Anne-Mari Gavin says:

    Feed this barbarian savage evil demonic satan to the lions crocs or sharks. NO prison…. we taxpayers refuse to pay for these savages upkeep in prisons!!!!

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