Target: Esther Manheimer, Mayor of Asheville, North Carolina
Goal: Support investment in career development and home ownership for minorities.
Much debate has circulated about how to help heal the lingering wounds caused by America’s original sin, slavery. Those who signed this ForceChange petition joined in the calls to bridge still-prevalent gaps in income and opportunity for African Americans via reparations for descendants of slaves. In a landmark initiative, one city in the South has become a potentially revolutionary model for slavery reparations with their financial investment in minority proprietorship.
Over 1,000 slaves were once imprisoned on the plantations of Asheville, North Carolina. Generations later, African Americans now comprise 12 percent of the city’s population. For years, these citizens have suffered from systemic inequality. Recently, in a unanimous vote the city council took meaningful and decisive action to remedy these injustices. For one, the city issued a formal apology for its shameful history of slavery. But the council’s initiatives moved beyond words. A newly developed commission will invest city funds in programs aimed at boosting minority businesses, other career and educational opportunities, and home ownership: all critical components of truly realizing the American dream.
Asheville’s innovative approach to reparations has already inspired several other counties in North Carolina and in other parts of the country to work towards similar measures. Sign the petition below to hail this hopeful step in bringing forth some light from the darkest chapter of America’s past.
Dear Mayor Manheimer,
Asheville became the first city in the South and only the second city in the United States to make slavery reparations a reality. The important stand you and fellow city council members took will lay a foundation for not just short-term financial relief but real reform that can uplift generations to come. Take heart in the fact that his bold step has already kickstarted similar conversations and plans nationwide.
Thank you for investing in progress and hope when the country, and the world, need these aspirations most.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Mathew Brady
Hopefully, Asheville, NC will inspire others around our beautiful country to work towards similar measures. IMHO, I think this is a much better idea to help African Americans, than to offer direct financial aid, which would be very difficult to disseminate fairly.
Reparations = cash. If it is not cash and not specific to Black people then it is no reparations at all. But this is a good step in the right direction.
This idea is absolute cobblers! IF you are compensating someone who was or is a slave then that is one thing but to compensate descendants is beyond ridiculous. What have they suffered? They lead normal lives and are quite capable of moving anywhere they like within society. Trump even promoted a black woman to be a 4* general. If you want to pay reparation how about the people who have been waiting generations ie the Native Americans who have had their land torn from then and been mostly segregated. And, if you genuinely want to help people who are slaves today then try the 26 MILLION CURRENTLY IN THE MUSLIM CONTROLLED MIDDLE EAST as well as human trafficked people being brought into America from across the border. Don’t support the Marxist whingers, support the genuine sufferers.