Success: Chinese City Bans Eating Cats and Dogs

Target: Mayor Yao Yisheng, Zhuhai, China

Goal: Thank mayor and activists for putting an end to eating cats, dogs, and other pets in major Chinese city.

Zhuhai is the second city in China to ban eating cats, dogs, and other pets. Sadly, millions of cats and dogs are stolen or picked up as strays and sold in the pet trade every year in China. Banning the consumption of these animals in the city of Zhuhai will help to ensure that many creatures will no longer be killed and used in this horrible practice.

Taking this step is especially helpful to citizens, as the World Health Organization has linked consuming dog meat to contracting both rabies and cholera. Luckily, Chinese officials are taking the health of their citizens more seriously and are also recognizing that cats and dogs are beloved family members. In fact, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently said that dogs and cats should be treated as pets and not as livestock that is raised for food consumption. Hopefully, eating these animals will soon be banned in the entire country of China.  Thank the mayor of Zhuhai and other activists who signed petitions like this one to try and make sure the consumption of these animals in China is stopped.


Dear Mayor Yao,

Your city was the second city in China to ban eating cats, dogs, and other pets. Many animals will be safe from being kidnapped and sold in the pet trade since they are no longer allowed to be eaten in the city of Zhuhai.

The World Health Organization came out with an official statement saying that eating dogs could cause people to become infected with either rabies or a bad bacterial disease known as cholera. Now that this practice is banned in your city, less people will likely become sick and numerous cats, dogs, and other pets will be able to thrive.

Many animals and people will be better off now that this monumental decision has been made. Thank you for helping to ban the consumption of cats, dogs, and other pets in the city of Zhuhai.


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Photo Credit: DoubleCompile


  1. Patricia Wicker says:

    Thank You, Thank You for Banning this Evil Practice!!~!

  2. Yay!!!!! Success❤️🐾❤️🐾

  3. 👍👍👍🎉🎉🎉 It would be great to stop wet markets too… Reapect for all animals… Good step forward…

  4. Thankyou a million times over for banning this idiot practice of killing cats and dogs for food! They are for comfort, they cure loneliness!

  5. Those Barbaric Chinese need to Stop this Bull Ship.. enough is enough.. Who does this ? Barbaric..
    Their Sick inhumanity!! I pray 🙏🏼 This barbaric evil act Stops now !!!!!!!

  6. American Girl says:

    Welcome to Civilization! Congratulations & Thank you!

  7. One of the best piece of news we ever heard!

  8. They still need to try a lot harder, both with human rights and animal welfare.

  9. Julia Edinger says:

    That’s a great start 🙏🏼🥰 please!! keep a very close eye out,,,people are schemers they will try other ways to secretly go against the law,,,JUST TO MAKE MONEY😡 You will need undercover people to keep a look out for CRIMINALS……

  10. Lawrence Holtzman says:

    Thank you for taking on the issue. The many animals you save, these sentient beings will bring you good Karma in your future.

  11. Hopefully this is correct — but what about the Koreans, and others???? THIS MUST BE STOPPED WORLDWIDE!!!!

  12. Maria Bertrand says:

    GRATEFUL yes….but wish this would have never needed to be an issue. Many little angels suffered needlessly….

    I hope the WORLD is watching and everywhere GETS ON BOARD! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!

  13. Maria Bertrand says:

    Gratefull yes….but wish this would have never needed to be an issue. Many little angels suffered needlessly….

    I hope the WORLD is watching and everywhere GETS ON BOARD! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!

  14. Valerie Gaffney says:

    Now is not the time to critizise – We need to be thankful for every step closer to this act stopping forever.

  15. Way past time for this….the suffering is/was overwhelming…IMO

  16. Thank you for banning this such POS IDEOT of killing and eating cats and dogs. What a IDEOT Evil they are!!!

  17. Well done, but there is much more to be done, the whole of China must ban this disgusting debacle, and must also ensure it does not go underground.

  18. Thank You for understanding how cruel and heartless and wrong it is to let dogs and cats suffer for food consumption. Please use your voice and influence to help other cities shut down these nightmare hellholes. This needs to be banned and OUTLAWED throughout all of China, and throughout all of Asia.

  19. Well done. Keep this up and China’s Cats and Dogs will never be eaten again.

  20. Thank you for banning this barbarity and sadism. It’s pure evil and dehumanization for people too!

    STOP CONSUMPTION of dogs and cats and other pets throughout all of CHINA!!!

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