Target: Sam Castro, Secretary of Friends of the Earth Australia
Goal: Praise recent ban on logging in Australian forests in wake of recent fires.
Victoria’s supreme court has ordered VicForests to permanently cease their logging in the central highlands after a local conservation group launched a case against them. Wildlife of the Central Highlands (Wotch) argued that the company was targeting the habitats of wildlife already threatened by the recent bush fire crisis, such as the greater glider, smoky mouse, and sooty owl.
The logging industry in general has been a massive threat to wildlife and the environment, believed to be a factor in the horrific bush fires over the past several months. VicForests specifically has been a major contributor. Petitions such as this one demanded that the ban be made permanent. With the court’s most recent decision, Australia has taken a much-needed step forward in raising their environmental protection standards.
This is only one step, as the damage done by the fires is extensive; but putting a stop to logging in the central highlands is still a major victory that will help alleviate some of these damages. Sign this petition to thank environmental activists for winning against this logging company.
Dear Secretary Castro,
Your victory against VicForests’ logging is much-needed good news for Australia’s forests and wildlife. Not only is this a step forward in healing the damages done by the recent bush fires, but VicForests has been a thorn in the side of environmental causes for years. Two years ago, a temporary ban on their activities only led to more discontent.
We greatly appreciate you raising a new case against them, and we are elated that this time the company will be permanently forbidden from clearing more forest space. Thanks to you, wildlife species already in danger due to the fires will be saved from further habitat loss. Thank you for not giving up in the fight against this logging company.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Pengo