Success: Smoking Age Raised to Protect Children

Target: Brian Schatz, United States Senator for Hawaii

Goal: Thank the Senate for their part in raising the U.S. smoking age to 21.

The legal age for buying any and all smoking paraphernalia, including e-cigarettes, has been raised to 21 years upon President Trump’s signing the National Defense Spending Bill. The age hike was introduced in the Senate some time ago, and with Trump’s signature, the new law is finally official across all 50 states.

This is an important step forward in the fight to stop nicotine from destroying consumer health as well as the environment. The problem has been especially inherent in minors, with even grade school children picking up the vaping habit thanks to the industry claiming e-cigarettes are “safer” than tobacco. This is a blatant lie that has set the anti-smoking fight back a long way. Petitions such as this one have circulated demanding the country put a stop to the use of such products by minors.

The Senate has done an excellent job pushing this bill forward and convincing the president to make it official. Sign this petition to thank Brian Schatz, one of the four senators who made this possible by writing the bill in the first place.


Dear Senator Schatz,

Your bill to raise the United States’ legal smoking age to 21 has officially been approved by the president, but such approval could not have been possible without your hard work. You and your fellow senators deserve immense praise for creating the bill in the first place and fighting so hard to make it a law.

Underage smoking and nicotine addiction has been a problem for decades, with the introduction of e-cigarettes and vaping making it worse as the industry claims they are a “less dangerous” alternative to traditional cigarettes. This could not be further from the truth, as they are both harmful to consumer health and to the environment. Thanks to you, the fight to stamp out smoking and nicotine use has taken a step forward after vaping had brought it a huge step back. Thank you for creating this bill and for fighting for the health and well-being of all.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Valentin Ottone

One Comment

  1. Frances Raab says:

    But you’d send them out to War with no thought at all of their safety…this is bullshit.

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240 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • Alice Rim
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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