Black Diamond: Stop Propping Up the Gun Industry

Target: Clarus Corp. Executive Chairman Warren B. Kanders and President John Walbrecht

Goal: Divest from lethal ammunition maker Sierra Bullets.

When you buy outdoor apparel or gear from Black Diamond Equipment, your dollars may be going to help manufacture deadly weapons that wreak havoc on human lives. In an age of mass shootings and violent crime, when lethal guns are turned against innocent people–even schoolchildren–on a near-daily basis, most Black Diamond customers would be disturbed to know their purchases are helping support the gun industry. Black Diamond’s parent company, Clarus Corporation, should immediately divest itself of ammunition maker Sierra Bullets, which makes products designed to kill.

Clarus Corporation, acquired Sierra Bullets in 2017. Now it owns a company whose business model is the manufacture of deadly ammunition. The bullets are meant to be used on targets or game animals–but in the wrong hands they can just as easily be used to destroy human life. It is simply irresponsible for a respected outdoor gear company to participate in the industry that makes mass shootings possible.

Clarus’ acquisition of Sierra Bullets runs contrary to a larger trend in the outdoor industry which has seen companies distance themselves from gun makers. For example, in the wake of the 2018 Parkland school shooting, REI announced it would no longer sell equipment brands from Vista Outdoor, owner of semi-automatic gun maker Savage Arms. Other retailers like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Walmart have also discontinued their sale of high-capacity magazines and assault-style firearms. Yet Black Diamond continues to be involved in the gun industry.

Clarus is owned, in large part, by Warren B. Kanders, who was pressured to resign from the Whitney Museum board due to his connection with selling tear gas that was reportedly deployed against migrants at the U.S. border.

Sign the petition below to demand that Clarus Corporation keep its customers and all people in the United States safer by divesting itself of Sierra Bullets.


Dear Mr. Kanders and Mr. Walbrecht,

In an age of mass shootings, a respected maker of outdoor equipment like yours should not be involved in the manufacture of weapons designed to kill. We, the undersigned, urge you to immediately divest Clarus Corporation of ammunition maker Sierra Bullets. Please help keep your customers and all people in the U.S. safer.

It is a sad of reality that in the wrong hands, a gun loaded with lethal bullets can be aimed at a school child as quickly as at a target. Under our country’s current lax gun laws, criminals and mentally disturbed individuals can too easily get their hands on weapons that can maim and kill. This makes every gun and box of ammunition sitting on a store shelf a threat to human life.

Outdoor recreationists don’t want our dollars going to support a company involved in the gun industry. Please divest from Sierra Bullets right now.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Avatar photo Richard Hofman says:

    Guys in America you and your system of absolute democracy has been killing you slowly!
    Your national craziness is more about stupidity when innocent people and children are dying because of fake absolute democracy!!!!

    • Nope. Not going to support trying to curtail people’s rights in a backdoor way like this. No more than I would support an attack on free speech. More people die in car accidents..MANY more die from medical malpractice every year. Is it “immoral” to invest in a car or medical company? This kind of protest and cancel culture is just dumb. Also…you DO realize that a major component of Sierra is military contracts, right? So are we supposed to be anti-military as well?

      Just not smart and not right.

  2. Robin Graham says:

    Don’t be greedy. Help save lives.ood

  3. I am trudy shocked that Black Diamond would have anything to do with an arms manufacturer. I have many choices on how to spend my outdoor recreation dollars and I will eschew Black Diamond and its product unless and until it divests from Sierra Bullets. Shame on Black Diamond, a company which used to have my strong allegiance as a telemark skier.

    • You did read where it’s not even Black Diamond, but the company that owns THEM, that also owns Sierra now?

      All you do by boycotting Black Diamond is hurt the people that work for Black Diamond. I wonder how people so easily shocked would feel if THEIR company was targeted nonsensically and THEY ended up losing their job as a result?

  4. Stop supporting the gun industry now!

  5. fuck inbred Dump voting domestic terrorist gun crazies

  6. The biggest supporter of the gun/ammunition industry is the government. Get a life. Drugs kill many times more people then guns.

    • Frank Marble says:

      Black Diamond’s sister company is not selling heroin, they’re selling ammo for high capacity military-style weapons that can be used to kill many humans rapidly. However, if they were also selling heroin, I’d boycott them for that reason, in addition to the gun stuff.

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