Target: Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club
Goal: Praise increased global support and development of solar and other forms of renewable energy.
Renewable energy sources are seeing a faster growth than the world could have predicted, thanks to the efforts of various countries worldwide to break away from fossil fuels. With this much effort and growth, energies such as solar and wind could see a 50 percent expansion within the next five years.
This is a huge boon for the planet, as well as a strike against many political parties’ efforts to bring back oil and gas at the expense of the environment. Environmental groups and scientists have done a great deal of research on renewable energy sources, but many governments have been reluctant to explore the possibilities. Petitions such as this one have circulated demanding these governments give renewable sources a chance.
The expansion of renewable energy is a welcome development, and we must both praise and encourage it as much as possible. Sign this petition to thank one of the leading environmental groups that helped make this possible.
Dear Mr. Brune,
Renewable energy sources will grow by 50 percent over the next five years, thanks to your efforts to search for and make them more accessible. Unexpectedly rapid development of new technologies will soon allow wind and solar energy to be implemented in several countries and states across the globe.
Thank you for working through the Sierra Club to support renewable technologies. For years, we have been pushing back against political efforts to revive fossil fuels. Oil, coal, and gas are among the biggest polluters on the planet; the use of wind and solar energy would negate the need for them, and it is hoped that this expansion of renewable energy will inspire other countries to join in. You have helped take an important step for a cleaner planet.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Tom Brewster Photography
A governor of California killed planet Earth and her strands in the web of all life, to help the climate with dead fields of solar and biological diversity slaughtering windmills. Around the globe, 500 scientists are preparing to release research, that planet Earth is now dying because of three faces, and one of these faces is climate change. However, many as I believe, the extinctions of biological diversity and mankind’s land-use changes, the other two faces of Earth death, are more critical, more deadly than climate change.
Solar is awesome on buildings, however, when we kill planet Earth with dead fields of solar and biological diversity windmills, we are killing our only home, planet Earth. Wind absorbs immense portions of planet Earth for a low energy yield, and wind must be sunk into deep vats of concrete for stability, and the production of concrete releases immense quantities of the climate warming gases back into the atmosphere to heat up and scramble the climate.
We must never forget, the appearance of trees and plants on the lands’s surface was the evolutionary event that provided life as we know it; it is also the habitats, food and life-support for biological diversity and bio means “life”, the creators and saviors of planet Earth. “In wildness is the salvation of the Earth and the preservation of all life, long known among wolves and planet Earth but seldom perceived by man.