Target: Chris Seelbach, Member of the Cincinnati City Council
Goal: Praise the city that banned exotic animal circuses.
Exotic animals can no longer be exploited for entertainment, thanks to one city’s dedication to animal welfare. Cincinnati has enacted a ban on exotic animal circuses to be enforced in entirety by 2020. Thank the Cincinnati council members who made this all possible.
“In order to stay profitable, circuses must tour so intensely. The moment the show is over animals are returned to their cages, which are so small, and put on a train and are traveling so long that they go out and do the show and go right back into the cage,” stated Jon Harmon, Council Member Chris Seelbach’s chief of staff. Seelbach championed this ban, citing the circus lifestyle’s negative impact on the animals’ health and wellbeing. The council has given local circuses until 2020 to remove certain exotic animals from their acts as a good faith measure to those who deny any wrongdoing and claim to use top tier trainers, caretakers, and veterinarians.
Petitions such as this one have circulated, demanding a ban on circuses that beat their animals and deny them veterinary care. Now those circuses will no longer be welcome in Cincinnati, and similar sentiments are spreading across the nation. Sign below to thank the city council for its dedication to animal rights.
Dear Council Member Seelbach,
Exotic animal circuses will no longer be allowed to perform in Cincinnati, thanks to your recently passed ban. This is a massive step in protecting exotic animals in the entertainment industry. Circuses accused of animal abuse and neglect will no longer profit from their cruelty and those who claim no wrongdoing will have to reexamine their use of animals for entertainment.
Your dedication has led to a massive animal rights victory in Cincinnati and paved the way for other bans across the nation. Thank you for standing up for exotic animals and advocating for them to have healthy and happy lives.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: WolfBlur