Success: Stolen Seal Pups Return Home

Target: Hongmei Yu, Founder of Dalian Vshine Animal Protection Association

Goal: Support the liberation of trafficked spotted seal pups.

The trafficking of critically endangered wildlife has become a frequent battleground for both Chinese and global animal conservationists, as demonstrated in this ForceChange petition. One inspiring win has recently arisen from these battles. In Dalian, China, 37 spotted seal pups ripped from their natural environments at a young age finally returned to their roots. The pups were rescued from alleged traffickers in February, rehabilitated, and finally liberated back into their wild homelands on May 10.

Authorities freed the young seals from a shed where they were being imprisoned. The eight accused traffickers apparently wanted to sell the vulnerable pups to aquariums or restaurants for ‘entertainment’ purposes. Some of the pups would have likely met an even more grim fate–butchered so their body parts could be used as aphrodisiacs. Since the pups did not benefit from the nurturing of their mothers, many unfortunately succumbed to sickness. The journey home for the survivors should be lauded, however.

Sign the petition below to thank the impassioned defenders of animal rights who helped make this heartening moment possible.


Dear Ms. Yu,

The distressing trend of seal pup trafficking in China does not discourage or deter true advocates. Such shameful deeds motivate impactful action. Thank you for acting as a true advocate, and congratulations to your organization on witnessing the recent release of dozens of seal pups back to their native homes.

These resilient animals are a bright spot in an often bleak landscape and a testament to the power of involved advocacy. Please continue fighting for stronger punishments for those who would exploit and abuse wildlife. Most importantly, never give up the fight for nationwide and worldwide reforms that protect our living natural wonders. Know that you have so many unseen but dedicated voices standing behind you.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Seaside Aquarium

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  • Joyce Rivera
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