Target: Eric Holcomb, Governor of Indiana
Goal: Praise the efforts to strengthen school bus safety.
Measures to increase school safety have been implemented in Indiana after a bill was recently signed into law. The legislation will crack down on drivers who pass by school buses illegally, establish requirements for bus safety practices, and allow reimbursement for camera equipment. The initiative was influenced by a stop-arm running incident in Rochester that killed three students and injured one other, and petitions such as this one, demanding harsher penalties.
Under the new law, penalties are increased from a Class A misdemeanor to a Level 6 felony for a stop-arm runner if the action results in injury, and to a Level 5 felony if it results in death. The court may also suspend the driver’s driving privileges for 90 days for a first offense, or for one year if the driver has carried out at least one previous school bus passing offense. Among other matters, the court can also charge a motorist convicted of a stop-arm violation a “safe schools” fee ranging from $200 to $1,000.
The law goes into effect on July 1 and will more than likely encourage people to adopt better ways of navigating around schools. Sign below to thank the state of Indiana for strengthening school bus safety, which can save lives.
Dear Governor Holcomb,
Several incidents involving school buses last year have prompted new legislation. Thanks to your decision to sign Senate Bill 2 into law, drivers who injure children will no longer be committing a misdemeanor, but a felony. Due to the change in punishment, motorists are more likely to be careful around schools and thus take part in less incidents.
People who injure or kill children should pay for their actions. Indifference can no longer be accepted. Thank you for protecting the youth in Indiana.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Element5