Target: Gail Bradbrook, Founder of the Extinction Rebellion
Goal: Praise anti-fracking activists for forcing UK fracking tsar to retire.
Fracking tsar Natascha Engel has resigned six months into her position, due to the continued protests of environmental groups and the general public. For over a year, fracking has caused tremors and other countless damages to the environment, to the point where operations were put on hold or outright cancelled. Engel’s attempted defenses of the dangerous practice fell flat in the face of scientific study and the voices of protesters.
Fracking releases dangerous chemicals that contribute to the United Kingdom’s already badly polluted air. It is invasive and cruel, but the gas and oil industry continued to push it, to the point of attempting to legally silence those who protested the practice. Petitions such as this one have circulated following the earthquakes and tremors resulting from fracking operations.
It is hoped that with Engel’s retirement, the fracking industry will eventually shut down. Sign this petition to thank the Extinction Rebellion group for their continued fight against fracking.
Dear Ms. Bradbrook,
Thanks to the countless protests and other efforts made by your group to stop fracking in the United Kingdom, fracking tsar Natascha Engel will retire. It is hoped that her retirement will lead to the end of the fracking industry as a whole.
Your group’s persistence led to this victory. While it is just one step, it is an important one. Engel’s efforts to defend the fracking industry have been ignorant at best and selfish at worst, as fracking has done significant damage to the environment over the past several years. Thank you for never stopping your protests and forcing her retirement. Please keep up your efforts.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Kate Ausburn