Target: Abigail Dillen, President of Earthjustice
Goal: Support successful work to uphold key federal protections for Atlantic and Arctic habitats.
Just months after taking office, President Donald Trump tried to strike a fatal blow to the heart of his predecessor’s environmental achievements by revoking offshore drilling protections for vast swaths of Arctic and Atlantic marine habitats. Advocates such as those represented in this ForceChange petition immediately warned of the dangers such a careless action would pose to the 125 million-plus acres of protected lands. A federal judge recently sided with the many environmental groups suing the administration. By ruling Trump’s actions as “unlawful,” this judge has now restored essential protections against fossil fuel profiteering for the foreseeable future. As a lead attorney in the case affirmed, “The judge’s ruling today shows that the president cannot just trample on the constitution to do the bidding of his cronies in the fossil fuel industry at the expense of our oceans, wildlife, and climate.”
The previous stripping of protections, made by executive order, represented phase one of a long-term push by this administration to make all waters around the US vulnerable to continued plunder and exploitation. If the Trump administration had its way, oil and gas industries would have been handed the keys to over a billion acres of previously shielded offshore areas. Sixty environmental organizations took legal action against this power grab, citing concerns to marine animals and coastal communities alike. The disruption caused to already-fragile marine ecosystems would be substantial, and the widespread damage from a potential spill would likely prove catastrophic both to wildlife and public health.
The recent ruling lays out, in no uncertain terms, how President Trump’s order violated the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which grants only Congress the authority to lease federal lands for drilling projects. The ruling states that previous protections “will remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked by Congress.” The same judge, in a separate case, also held the administration to task for illegally reinstating a previously banned land deal that would have enabled road construction into an Alaskan national wildlife refuge.
Sign this petition to thank on of the organizations that played a crucial role in arguing for this victory in court.
Dear President Dillen,
Thank you for your organization’s hard work defending the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans in court. Violations of federal law and Constitutional authority should never be tolerated or endorsed, regardless of the parties involved. Your efforts to hold the government’s executive branch accountable to the rule of law are much appreciated.
These at-risk regions and their vibrant natural inhabitants merited safeguards and protection for a reason. For honoring the value and importance of these lands, we owe you another debt of sincere thanks.
We urge you to continue being a steward of good judgment and integrity.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: US Coast Guard
Wonderful news. Thank you Earthjustice