Success: Trump Ordered to Reunite Separated Families

Target: Dianne Feinstein, Senator of California

Goal: Praise the demand for the Trump administration to reunite more families separated at the border.

United States District Judge Dana Sabraw has ordered the Trump administration to reunite migrant parents and children who were separated at the Mexico border. Determined to permanently segregate Mexico from the U.S. since day one, Trump ordered ICE to begin forcibly separating immigrant families in 2017; parents were imprisoned, while children were kept under lock and key by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. While the policy was officially lifted in 2018, thousands of children remain separated from their guardians.

Trump’s policy has been widely loathed since its inception, with people immediately leaping to the defense of these immigrants. Petitions such as this one have been circulated, along with stories detailing the suffering of the broken families and the mistreatment of the children. The policy has been compared to the Nazi concentration camps of WWII. Even when the forced separations were officially stopped, only a small fraction of the families affected had been reunited. Now, thanks to the ACLU and many other political figures opposed to such measures, thousands of children will finally be returned to their guardians.

Senator Diane Feinstein’s Keep Families Together bill, introduced in 2018, played a big role in the end of the policy, and in the eventual order to reunite the families forced apart by the administration’s cruelty. Sign this petition to thank Senator Feinstein for being one of many who made these reunions possible.


Dear Senator Feinstein,

The Trump administration has been legally ordered to reunite families separated at the Mexico border, months after the racist policy of detaining children was officially stopped.

During the period of forced separation, children were kept in what many compared to Nazi concentration camps. They were horribly mistreated and forbidden to have any contact with their parents. The administration and its supporters continually justified this with claims of the parents “breaking the rules.” Now, these children will finally be reunited with their parents.

This is largely in part due to your Keep Families Together bill, and we thank you for it. The forced separation of these families was cruel, racist, and xenophobic, and we are pleased that you are among the many who fought against it for so long. These families did not deserve such treatment, and your bill played a large part in making the reunions happen. Thank you for supporting the end and the repair of such a racist order from the administration.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pride Immigration

One Comment

  1. You do realize it’s their decision to come here and attempt to get in illegally right?!🤔. And you further realize their are families that are not even real families right?!🤔 I’m all in when it comes to the sites animal petitions, but not for these petitions. You guys really need to think twice before you 1. Set up this type of petition and 2. Sign this petition. You guys really are so into hating Trump, that you are all losing sight of the problem that exists at the border for all individuals involved.

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553 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • jacci russ
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Alice Rim
  • John B
  • Rebecca Martin
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